#AD2 Engine
The AD2 Engine is a MonoGame-based engine that aims to create a small but powerful API suitable for kickstarting devlopment of isometric and non-isometric 2D games, such as roguelikes, platformers, strategy games, and action-rpg games. You might consider using the AD2 engine if:
- You want to avoid use of the MonoGame pipeline, preferring to programmatically access resources.
- You like putting all your game metadata in XML files.
- You want an easy interface to use any type of game controller, not just Xbox controllers.
- You have a lot of animations you want to handle simply and elegantly.
- You want to make a 2.5d (isometric) game, and not bother with handling walls and z-ordering.
- You like having a fixed timestep.
- You like having pixel fonts.
- You like using almost exclusively pixel art.
- You want to run your game at a fixed resolution.
We will make a couple of tiny games in the ad2 engine to show off how to use it, such as
- A Flying Game (Done - see WJLiddy's SkyKid)
- A Block-Breaker (Mostly Done - see CorruptData's Vaporwave Breakout)
- A Not-So-Traditional Roguelike (Just Started - see Neutral Space's Basement Explorer)