is a telegram bot written in rust using teloxide
Support chat for this bot can be found here
- Download Rust
- Create a new bot using @Botfather
- Initialise the
environmental variable to your token:
$ export TELOXIDE_TOKEN=<Your token here>
$ git clone https://github.com/Wahyu213/okaerirustbot
$ cd okaerirustbot
$ # edit src/plugins/sudo.rs and replace my telegram id with yours
$ cargo run --release
$ cargo install okaerirustbot
$ okaerirustbot
- Redirect to/help
- List of all commands/ping
- Replies with “Pong!”/say [text]
- Bot replies with your text/ctid
- Get current chat’s ID, your ID, replied users ID (if any)/ipi [ip]
- Get ip information from ipinfo.io/cs [country]
- Get corona stats/paste [reply to a message or text]
- Paste text/udi [term]
- Get definition of a term
p.upload [file]
- Upload a filep.sh [command]
- Execute a shell command