A port of RSDKv4 to C# and XNA for Windows Phone 7 and desktop. Based on the original decompilation, with hardware rendering based on Sonic CD.
- RSDK file reading (both v4 and v4u)
- 2D Rendering (sprites, blending, etc.)
- 3D Rendering
- Animation
- Collision
- Scripting/Objects (mostly)
- Keyboard input
- Touch Input
- Save Data
- Music & Sound effects
- 40% of Native Menus
- Builds and runs flawlessly using NativeAOT on .NET 7
- Controller Input
- 60% of Native Menus
- On the fly palette changing is incredibly slow on some hardware
- There are two palette implementations, FAST_PALETTE uses a shader, default does not.
- FAST_PALETTE is unsupported on the XNA Reach profile (Windows Phone 7)
- Another solution will be required
- Some background modes that aren't used by Sonic 1 & 2
- Mod support
- Text script interpreting
- Software rendering (too slow in C#)