The official implementation for the "Attentive WaveBlock: Complementarity-enhanced Mutual Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-identification and Beyond". Many thanks for the framework offered by MMT.
- Python 3.6
- Pytorch 1.1.0
- sklearn 0.21.3
- PIL 4.0.0
- Numpy 1.16.0
- Torchvision 0.2.0
- Test our models: 1 GTX 1080Ti GPU.
- Train new models: 4 GTX 1080Ti GPUs.
You can directly get the codes by:
git clone
In the following codes and statements, for simplicity, Pre-A denotes Pre-A (CBAM) and Post-A denotes Post-A (Non-local). You can find the details in our paper.
- Dataset
We evaluate our algorithm on DukeMTMC-reID, Market-1501 and MSMT17. For convenience, we have prepared data for you. You should download them and prepare the directory structure like this:
- Pretrained Models
We use ResNet-50 as backbone, and the pretrained models will be downloaded automatically.
- Our Trained Models
We provide our trained Pre-A and Post-A models on Duke-to-Market, Market-to-Duke, Duke-to-MSMT, Market-to-MSMT, MSMT-to-Duke, and MSMT-to-Market domain adaptation tasks.
Duke-to-Market: Pre-A(78.8% mAP) Post-A(81.0% mAP)
Market-to-Duke: Pre-A(70.0% mAP) Post-A(70.9% mAP)
Duke-to-MSMT: Pre-A(29.5% mAP) Post-A(29.0% mAP)
Market-to-MSMT: Pre-A(27.3% mAP) Post-A(29.0% mAP)
MSMT-to-Duke: Pre-A(68.6% mAP) Post-A(69.6% mAP)
MSMT-to-Market: Pre-A(77.1% mAP) Post-A(79.4% mAP)
For example, to test our trained model on Duke-to-Market, you should save the models in ./logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s2
and ./logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s2
, respectively.
We use Duke-to-Market as an example, other UDA tasks will follow similar pipelines.
First Network:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -ds dukemtmc -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --seed 1 --margin 0.0 --num-instances 4 -b 64 -j 4 --warmup-step 10 --lr 0.00035 --milestones 40 70 --iters 200 --epochs 80 --eval-step 40 --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-1
Second Network:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -ds dukemtmc -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --seed 2 --margin 0.0 --num-instances 4 -b 64 -j 4 --warmup-step 10 --lr 0.00035 --milestones 40 70 --iters 200 --epochs 80 --eval-step 40 --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --num-clusters 500 --num-instances 4 --lr 0.00035 --iters 800 -b 64 --epochs 10 --soft-ce-weight 0.5 --soft-tri-weight 0.8 --dropout 0 --init-1 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-1/model_best.pth.tar --init-2 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-2/model_best.pth.tar --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --num-clusters 500 --num-instances 4 --lr 0.00035 --iters 800 -b 64 --epochs 10 --soft-ce-weight 0.5 --soft-tri-weight 0.8 --dropout 0 --init-1 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-1/model_best.pth.tar --init-2 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-pretrain-2/model_best.pth.tar --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s1
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --num-clusters 500 --num-instances 4 --lr 0.00035 --iters 800 -b 64 --epochs 80 --soft-ce-weight 0.5 --soft-tri-weight 0.8 --dropout 0 --init-1 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s1/model1_checkpoint.pth.tar --init-2 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s1/model2_checkpoint.pth.tar --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -dt market1501 -a resnet50 --num-clusters 500 --num-instances 4 --lr 0.00035 --iters 800 -b 64 --epochs 80 --soft-ce-weight 0.5 --soft-tri-weight 0.8 --dropout 0 --init-1 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s1/model1_checkpoint.pth.tar --init-2 logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s1/model2_checkpoint.pth.tar --logs-dir logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s2
We use Duke-to-Market as an example, other UDA tasks follow similar pipelines.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -b 256 -j 8 --dataset-target market1501 -a resnet50 --resume logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-pre-a-s2/model_best.pth.tar
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -b 256 -j 8 --dataset-target market1501 -a resnet50 --resume logs/dukemtmcTOmarket1501/resnet50-train-post-a-s2/model_best.pth.tar
If you think our work is useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Attentive WaveBlock: Complementarity-enhanced Mutual Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-identification and Beyond},
author={Wang, Wenhao and Zhao, Fang and Liao, Shengcai and Shao, Ling},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},