this is an evidence marker for qbcore for police to use it credits to the original author of the prop
["evidence"] = {model = `ril1`, freeze = true},
Second (this step is optional) add this to your qb-policejob/client/object.lua:137 (use this if you want to use it with radialmenu)
RegisterNetEvent('police:client:SpawnEvidenceMarker', function()
QBCore.Functions.Progressbar("spawn_object", Lang:t("progressbar.place_object"), 2500, false, true, {
disableMovement = true,
disableCarMovement = true,
disableMouse = false,
disableCombat = true,
}, {
animDict = "anim@narcotics@trash",
anim = "drop_front",
flags = 16,
}, {}, {}, function() -- Done
StopAnimTask(PlayerPedId(), "anim@narcotics@trash", "drop_front", 1.0)
TriggerServerEvent("police:server:spawnObject", "evidence")
end, function() -- Cancel
StopAnimTask(PlayerPedId(), "anim@narcotics@trash", "drop_front", 1.0)
QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t("error.canceled"), "error")
Then (this step is also optional) add this to your qb-radialmenu/config.lua (use this if you want to use it with radialmenu)
id = 'evidencemarker',
title = 'Evidence Marker',
icon = 'caret-up',
type = 'client',
event = 'police:client:SpawnEvidenceMarker',
shouldClose = false