This repository contains Heavy compatible Pure Data patches that are used by different integration examples.
Here you find only the DSP code, the specific integrations each have their own repositories:
- Javascript
- OWL #todo
- Daisy #todo
- Unity #todo
- Delay: Simple - basic delay patch with dry/wet, delay-time and feedback controls.
- Delay: Advanced #todo
- Distortion: Simple #todo
- Distortion: Advanced #todo
- Substractive Mono Synth #todo
- Substractive Poly Synth #todo
- Chip: 8-bit style sfx - Oscillator and noise generator with individual envelopes and additional flanger, bitcrusher and downsampling effects.
- Krell: based on the 1959 movie Forbidden Planet, in a segment where they supposedly play the music of the ancient Krell race. In general terms, each note has a random pitch, envelope, and duration.
- Generative Sequencer #todo
- Note Manipulation #todo