Work with a partner to implement the following user story:
- As a student, I want to create a biography page that includes an image, a paragraph about me, and my contact information.
It's done when the main header reads "Student Bio".
It's done when there is a section that includes a name, an image, and a paragraph.
It's done when there is a second section that includes a subheader labeled "Contact Info" and a list that includes links to my email, GitHub, and portfolio.
It's done when the finished page matches the mockup.
The following image demonstrates the web application's appearance and functionality:
You can use this placeholder image.
How can you use header elements to define the most important heading and the subheaders? How does using different header elements impact the size of the text?
If you have completed this activity, work through the following challenge with your partner to further your knowledge:
- What are the advantages of using semantic HTML elements?
Use Google or another search engine to research this.
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