This is the darknet base segmentation platform with deep neural network and It also have the ability to perform object detection and segmentation at the same time. In the iNES lab of Gachon University, we worked on this idea and we successfully got efficient results. In the same hand, our new network is computationally better and faster than Segnet,FCN, and Yolo family. Therefore, we would like to share all the essential knowledge regarding to it.
First of all clone this repository in your system and before installing it please make sure that your system must have opencv, and cuda gpu support. If you have that please try to follow the orginal commands to install the darket.
In this solo network, we have developed our own layers to perform segmentation and object detection in the same time. And we added some functions to have segments called IOS. After, this now, we are planning to add 3D segmentation network in our solo network.
Later on, we'll show the results.
Later on, we'll show the results.