Provides a command-line API for managing the device access control list of a NETGEAR Nighthawk router.
Initially developed to work upon the Nighthawk R7900P with firmware version V1.4.1.30_1.2.26.
import the module
Import-Module .\RouterControl.psd1
see what commands are exposed by the module
Get-Command -Module RouterControl
set the login credential for accessing your router
Supply the name & password, as appropriate.
see the devices known by the router
Get-Device | Format-Table
The DetectedName field is the name detected or assigned by the router.
The Name column is a name that you can provide to this module, which allows for more meaningful names than the router is sometimes able to acquire. Use the Import-KnownDeviceCsv command to supply your names. (See 'Get-Help Import-KnownDeviceCsv' for details.)
block a device that is currently allowed
For example, choose the first allowed device and block it:
$device = Get-Device | ? AccessControl -eq 'Allowed' | select -First 1 $device | Block-Device
unblock a device that is currently blocked
For example, choose the first blocked device and unblock it:
$device = Get-Device | ? AccessControl -eq 'Blocked' | select -First 1 $device | Unblock-Device
requery the router for devices
The module caches the device list for 5 minutes, so use the -Force parameter to refresh the list on-demand.
Get-Device -Force | ft
Currently, only devices that are already known or detected by the router can be managed by this module. Use Get-Device to acquire the device to manage, then pass it to the Block-Device or Unblock-Device command.