- Provide some utilities for develop Contao extensions
- Class to execute commands
- Class to generate strings
- Extends Contao Query Builder
- Extends Contao String Util
- Extends Contao Model abstract class
- Provide a service for encrypt and decrypt data with blowfish
- Contao 4.* (Manager Edition)
Clone the extension from Packagist (Contao 4 - Manager Edition) or directly from Composer
need to be explicitly enabled in your services.yml like this :
$secret: '%env(APP_SECRET)%'
$truncateKey: false
If you used the old contao service encryption, and you have some old data encrypted with, set truncateKey at true.
This extension is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. The full license text is available in the main folder.
Visit the support page to submit an issue or just get in touch :)
You can get the extension with this repository URL : Github