A desktop browser using WebKitNix, with example implementations of its Platform API.
The code uses some C++11 features like range-based for loops, closures and variadic templates, so using GCC >= 4.7 will make your life easier.
Make sure you have Nix and all their libraries installed and pkg-config can find them:
Go to WebKitNix source directory and build it with --prefix. For example:
$ build-webkit --nix --release --makeargs=-j8 --prefix=~/nixbuild
Go to WebKitNix output directory and install it:
$ cd Release $ make install
Now setup your environment (where '~/webkitnix/WebKitBuild' is your WebKitNix output directory):
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/nixbuild/lib/:~/webkitnix/WebKitBuild/Dependencies/Root/lib64/ $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/nixbuild/lib/pkgconfig/:~/webkitnix/WebKitBuild/Dependencies/Root/lib64/pkgconfig/
Make sure you can find WebKitNix on your pkg-config
$ pkg-config --cflags --libs WebKitNix
Now go to Drowser source directory and do:
$ mkdir build $ cd build && cmake .. $ make
And finally run:
$ ./src/Browser/drowser
Make sure you don't have LIBRARY_PATH set. Mixing it with pkg-config on CMake may cause linking errors.
Drowser started as a pet project, and used other pet project as build system: meique (http://www.meique.org). The meique.lua files are the equivalent of CMakeLists.txt. They are kept for historical reasons and Hugo maintains them, so contributors don't need to worry about them.