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Implementation of symfony/messenger for Joomla!

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Joomla Queues

Implementation of symfony/messenger for Joomla! to run background commands using queues. See


First, you need to have our Joomla Commands package installed: After that you can write messages and handlers to dispatched and run through a queue.

This extension also requires FOF3 to be installed (any Akeeba extension installs it by default, so grab an Akeeba Backup Free and install it first) and php 7.2.5+ due to its Symfony's dependencies. It's tested on php 7.3 / 7.4.


Grab an installable package from the Releases page Alternatively, this repository mimics the standard Joomla! installation structure, so just by downloading the master branch into your project should make it available for installation through the standard Joomla! discover installer.

Available Transports

By default this extension provides a default bus and 3 transports:

  • Database
  • Redis
  • Sync

Additionally, failed jobs are stored using the database transport, but a different queue name, and we log each message passing through the default bus in a separate table, allowing you to monitor the job processing status.

Screenshot1 Screenshot2

Alternatively you can create new transport and new buses to use however you see fit.

Available Commands

  • php bin/console messenger:consume - Consume messages in a queue. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions
  • php bin/console messenger:failed:remove - Remove a message from the failure transport. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions
  • php bin/console messenger:failed:retry - Retries one or more messages from the failure transport. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions
  • php bin/console messenger:failed:show - Shows one or more messages from the failure transport. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions
  • php bin/console messenger:stop-workers - Stops workers after their current message. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions
  • debug:messenger - - debug:messenger - Remove a message from the failure transport. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions. Refer to symfony's documentation for instructions

Creating messages and handlers

To add new messages with their handlers, create a Joomla! plugin in the queue group, and enable it. You then have two ways to register messages and handlers.

This configuration resembles very closely the symfony's one:

1. onGetQueueMessages

Add a onGetQueueMessages method, and return an associative array of messages with a list of their handlers. Check the Example Plugin, the SendEmailMessage and Email Handler classes as an example:

    public function onGetQueueMessages()
        $transports = $this->params->get('ping_message_transports', null);

        return [
            // This goes to the default transport configured in the admin parameters
             \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Message\SendEmailMessage::class => [
                // could also be new \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Handler\SendEmailHandler()
            // This should fail and get logged to the failed queue
            \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Message\ErrorMessage::class  => [
            // This goes to the specified transports
            // you can get the transports through the container:
            // calling \FOF30\Container\Container::getInstance('com_queues')->transport->getTransportsKeys(); 
            // returns ['database']
            \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Message\PingMessage::class      => [
                    'handler'    => \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Handler\PingHandler::class,
                    'transports' => $transports
                    // 'method' => 'otherMethod' // different method on the handler, other than __invoke()

2. onGetQueueHandlers

Add a onGetQueueHandlers method, and return an associative array of handlers with an optional configuration. Check the Example plugin] as an example:

    public function onGetQueueHandlers()
        return [
           \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Handler\SendEmailHandler::class => [
               "handles" => [
               // "bus" => FOF30\Container\Container::getInstance('com_queues')->bus->getDefaultName(),
               // "from_transport" => 'default' ,
               // "method" => "someOtherHandlerClassMethodInsteadOfInvoke",
               // "priority" => 0
           // this one self implements through the MessageSubscriberInterface

Dispatching Messages

In order to dispatch new messages, you just need to call the dispatch method in the queue service provider through the container.

\FOF30\Container\Container::getInstance('com_queues')->queue->dispatch(new \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Message\PingMessage());

Consuming Messages (running jobs)

This is done through a CLI command

php bin/console messenger:consume {optionalTransportName}

Advanced Configurations

Other than the basic usage, you can extensively customize other parts of the process as well.

Adding Transports

You can add more transports (like sqs, etc) through Joomla! plugins as well. This is done using the onGetQueueTransports method.

This method should return an array of objects that implements the \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Transport\ProvidesTransport interface. This class describes the transport itself, and its accessory configuration, like retry strategy and serializer.

In addition, we provide an abstract \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Transport\TransportProvider class, that implements a standard serializer and retry strategy for you. The only requirement for you is to implement the transport() method, that should return a Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\TransportInterface

Check the Default plugin and the DatabaseTransportProvider class for more informations, alongside the symfony documentation on transports.

    public function onGetQueueTransports()
        return [
            new YourCustomTransportProvider(),

If you just want to add more queues using our provided database transport, you can do it like this:

    public function onGetQueueTransports()
        return [
            new \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Transport\DatabaseTransportProvider('newqueuename'),

Multiple Buses

You can add more buses to process different type of requests. More on this on the official symfony documentation.

You can do so by implementing the onGetQueueBuses method in your plugin.

This method should return an array of objects that implements the \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Bus\ProvidesBus interface. This class describes the bus itself, and its accessory configuration, like middlewares to be used.

In addition, we provide an abstract \Weble\JoomlaQueues\Bus\BusProvider class, that implements a standard list of middlewares. The only requirement for you is to implement the bus() method, that should return a Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface

Check the Default plugin and the DefaultBusProvider class for more informations.

    public function onGetQueueBuses()
       return [
           new YourCustomBusProvider()