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CINEMA WORLD is an application simulating the operation of a cinema website. This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. I created this application to train my skills in REACT & REDUX. This project was prepared mainly with React.js library. Project is divided into components with scss styling files and JS files.

How it works


How to start:

  1. git clone
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn start - run the project and than You can see it on Your device

*...or use link if You only want to check how it works

Used technologies:

  1. React with Hooks - as main library
  2. Redux - store
  3. SCSS - for styling
  4. Styled components - for styling FooterBar
  5. HTML5 - for content
  6. React Router - for routing
  7. React Icons
  8. React FlexBox Grid
  9. Styled Components - to styling Footer
  10. Eslint - to control bugs
  11. Husky - to control bugs before every commit
  12. Lint Staged - to check only changed files

Implemented solutions:

Application is divided into four views: home, movies, tickets and confirm. Menu with logo on the top to switch between views.

  1. Home:
  • slider with movies
  • list of movie posters with basic information
  • filters (title, categorie, year)
  1. Movies:
  • filter with week days
  • list of movies with shows hours
  • click on any hour drives to 'tickets' page
  1. Tickets:
  • room view with clickable seats
  • booking form with validation
  1. Confirm:
  • information about booking (seats, name, email, day, hour, movie)

Project architecture

Project is not divided into components in accordance with the React convention.

  1. components with JS, JSX and SCSS
  2. root file: index.html
  3. store and reducers in redux folder
  4. data with initialStoreData
  5. others functions in utils
  6. configuration files: gitignore, package.json, etc.

How did I create this project?

Project was prepared based on my own idea and using my current knowledge and skills.

Plan for future development

  • Refactor code
  • Single movie page with details
  • Create logic for more rooms - in this moment selecting each hour in every movie directs to the same room


  • Michal Szwajgier - Webster2020 -


Free licence


No description or website provided.







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