A place for .gxp packages of my kernel build for PhoenixOS Darkmatter or other Android-x86 (x86_64 only). Check it out in Releases tab. New release and kernel repo maybe I'm gonna upload here, for old releases you can find in : https://github.com/hmtheboy154/Darkmatter-kernel-packages/releases
Here are the Kernel and codenames that are in construction.
- Kernel 4.9.x - codename : chariot
- Kernel 4.14.x - codename : comet
- Kernel 4.19.x - codename : benares
- Kernel 5.4.x - codename : sakura
- Kernel 5.10.x - codename : pledge
(and many more to come).
There will be a specified that I made for a specific devices like :
-gpd1 (for GPD Win 1) (depricated)
-ipts (for Microsoft Surface devices) (deprecated)
-surface (for Microsoft Surface devices)
(example : comet-gpd1 or benares-ipts)