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Releases: WetHat/MarkdownToHtml

Maintenance Release

15 Apr 11:18
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  • Issue #48 Fixed incorrect handling of the logging verbosity
  • Issue #49 Upgraded external Opensource components to their newest version
  • Added more code highlighting languages to the factory configuration
  • Miscellaneous documentation improvements

Bugfix Release

24 Apr 13:13
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  • Issue #44 - Fix deprecated API call to highlight.js
  • Issue #45 - Updated module manifest to load System.Web asssembly

☝️ See the release notes section of the module manifest for additional information about compatibility and upgrade instructions.

Feature Release

23 Apr 17:23
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New Features and Enhancements ✨


  • Issue #35 - Fixed relative navigation links in Build.json files located in the markdown sources directory tree. This bugfix may cause an incompatibility with projects which, in addition to the project-level Build.json configuration, have additional Build.json file in the mardown sources directory tree. See [Known Incompatibilities (
  • Issue #42 - Visual Studio C++ runtime v 14.0 packages with the module to make svgbob diagrams work where the runtime is
    is not installed. Affected function Convert-SvgbobToSvg.
  • Other minor fixes

☝️ See the release notes section of the module manifest for additional information about compatibility and upgrade instructions.

Bugfix Release

19 Jan 15:34
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  • Fixed: Build.json files directly under markdown_dir did not work.
  • Build.json no longer coped to site_dir
  • Misc. cosmetic fixes

Feature Release

17 Jan 19:28
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  • Cascading build configuration. Build.json configuration files can be added
    at any level in the Markdown subtree to provide directory specific configuration.
    Can be used to superseed site configurations or build a directory specific
    navigation bars.

  • External components updated:

Feature Release

26 Jul 10:58
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Markdig update to version 0.25.0

  • Support for publishing static websites to
    GitHub Pages.

    This new feature is backwards compatible with existing static site projects.
    However, if you want to use this new feature in existing site projects
    following changes must be applied:

    • Build.json project configuration file
      The site_dir option needs to be changed and a new option github_pages
      must be added as shown below:

         "site_dir": "docs",
         "github_pages": false,

      Using the name docs for the site directory makes it possible to check-in
      the entire conversion project as-is. As soon as GitHub Pages are
      enabled and configured to publish the static site from the docs
      directory, the site is accessible on the web through its canonical
      GitHub Pages url.

    • Build.ps1 project build file
      Add a statement to disable the GitHub publishing process (jekyll) which
      is not necessary for static sites created by this module. Add
      following code to the end of the build file:

      if ($config.github_pages) {
          # Switch off Jekyll publishing when building for GitHub pages
          New-Item -Path $staticSite -Name .nojekyll -ItemType File
  • Added a Html fragment post-processing step to the conversion pipeline.

    The default post-processing function Convert-SvgbobToSvg
    converts Svgbob
    ASCII art diagrams to svg images. See the
    feature showcase
    for an example.

    This new feature is backwards compatible with existing static site projects.
    However, if you want to use Svgbob diagrams in existing site projects
    following changes must be made:

    • Build.json project configuration file
      A new option svgbob option needs to be added to for configuration
      of the svg conversion.

         "svgbob": {
            "background":   "white",
            "fill_color":   "black",
            "font_size":    14,
            "font_family":  "Monospace",
            "scale":        1,
            "stroke_width": 2

      See Static Site Project Customization
      for more details.

    • Build.json project configuration file
      A postprocessing stage needs to be inserted into to the conversion pipeline by
      adding a -Split switch to Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment and then piping
      its output to Convert-SvgbobToSvg like so:

      # Conversion pipeline
      $SCRIPT:markdown = Join-Path $projectDir $config.markdown_dir
      Find-MarkdownFiles $markdown -Exclude $config.Exclude `
      | Convert-MarkdownToHTMLFragment -IncludeExtension $config.markdown_extensions -Split `
      | Convert-SvgbobToSvg -SiteDirectory $staticSite -Options $SCRIPT:config.svgbob `
      | Publish-StaticHTMLSite -Template (Join-Path $projectDir $config.HTML_Template) `
                                              -ContentMap  $contentMap `
                                              -MediaDirectory $markdown `
                                              -SiteDirectory $staticSite

Maintenance Release

28 May 19:21
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  • Navigation bar improvements (Static HTML site projects):

    • scrollbar added to long navbars.
    • md-styles.css overhauled for static site template to make navbar usable
      for overflowing navitems
    • HTML fragments with resource links supported in navitem names.
      Example from a Build.json which displays a navigatable image:
      "site_navigation": [
          { "<img width='90%' src='site_logo.png'/>": "" },
          { "Home": "" },
          { "---": "" }
    • New commands implemented to remove code duplication and make the Build.ps1
      file more consistent.
      Upgrade of the Build.ps1 file of existing projects is optional. All changes
      are backeard compatible. If you want to upgrade anyways change the content
      map section ofBuild.ps1 file like so:
      $SCRIPT:contentMap = @{
          # Add additional mappings here...
          '{{footer}}' =  $config.Footer # Footer text from configuration
          '{{nav}}'    = {
      	    param($fragment) # the html fragment created from a markdown file
      	    $navcfg = $config.navigation_bar # navigation bar configuration
      	    # Create the navigation items configured in 'Build.json'
      	    New-SiteNavigation -NavitemSpecs $config.site_navigation `
      	                       -RelativePath $fragment.RelativePath `
      	                       -NavTemplate $navcfg.templates
      	    # Create navigation items to headings on the local page.
      	    # This requires the `autoidentifiers` extension to be enabled.
      	    New-PageHeadingNavigation -HTMLfragment $fragment.HTMLFragment `
      	                              -NavTemplate $navcfg.templates `
      	                              -HeadingLevels $navcfg.capture_page_headings
  • Module Documentation

    • Code and conceptial documentation improved
    • Documentation generated with this module and published to
      GitHub Pages

Maintenance Release

20 May 15:14
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  • default navigation menu changed to a static vertical sidebar.
  • navigation items pop out dynamically on mouse hover.
  • auto-added navigation items for page headings indented according to heading
  • navbar formatting made more consistent.
  • navbar small screen support

Feature Release

19 May 06:34
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  • Page navigation bar made customizable. To take advantage of this feature
    in existing projects following files need to be updated:

    • Build.ps1: A -NavTemplate parameter needs to be added to the invokation of ConvertTo-NavigationItem.
      A -NavTemplate and a -HeadingLevels parameter needs to be added to
      the invokation ofConvertTo-PageHeadingNavigation.
      For example:

      # Set-up the content mapping rules for replacing the templace placeholders
      $SCRIPT:contentMap = @{
          # Add additional mappings here...
          '{{footer}}' =  $config.Footer # Footer text from configuration
          '{{nav}}'    = {
      	    param($fragment) # the html fragment created from a markdown file
      	    $navcfg = $config.navigation_bar # navigation bar configuration
      	    # Create the navigation items configured in 'Build.json'
      	    $config.site_navigation | ConvertTo-NavigationItem -RelativePath $fragment.RelativePath `
      	                                                       -NavTemplate $navcfg.templates
      	    # Create navigation items to headings on the local page.
      	    # This requires the `autoidentifiers` extension to be enabled.
      	    ConvertTo-PageHeadingNavigation $fragment.HTMLFragment -NavTemplate $navcfg.templates `
      	                                                           -HeadingLevels $navcfg.capture_page_headings
    • Build.json: a navigation bar configuration section needs to be added:

      "navigation_bar": {
          "capture_page_headings": "123456",
          "templates": {
              "navitem": "<button class='navitem'><a href='{{navurl}}'>{{navtext}}</a></button>",
              "navlabel": "<div class='navitem'>{{navtext}}</div>",
              "navseparator": "<hr class='navitem'/>",
              "navheading": "<span class='navitem{{level}}'>{{navtext}}</span>"
  • Markdig update to version 0.24

  • KateX update to version 0.13.11

  • Mermaid update to version 8.10.1

Bugfix Release

12 Oct 21:39
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Referenced .net assemblies added which may not always be present