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Use of Tags

WetHat edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 2 revisions

What is tagging and why is it useful?

You may already have seen tags on social media sites (hashtags) or shopping sites (product tags).

Tags are used to add organizational information (meta data) to articles, posts, tweets, or web pages in general.

The additional information provided by tags allows to efficiently organize semi- or unstructured information in a way which vastly improves its discoverability by allowing to:

  • browse information by tags
  • search for information and apply tags as filters (facetted search)

The OneNote Tagging Kit supports both discovery methods (browse by tag and facetted search)

For background information on how page tags improves note management in OneNote see: Organizing Notes with Page Tags

Can you use the OneNote built in tagging system to achieve this? The short answer is: not quite. These tags are labor intensive to manage, not easily shareable among multiple devices or users. They cannot take part in facetted, full text search either.