Sauli Savinainen - Serial port component development, Qt-development to all components (custom sum withdrawal, POST API functions...), Raspberry Pi cross-compilation, CRUD-table development, REST API deployment to web service and MySQL database hosting & administration, RabbitMQ integration, graphics and sound features
Mika Korkiakoski - Card-handling (PIN-code and related data) component development on Qt, backend development for related API functions, graphics and interface development
Miika Tiihonen - GUI and main executable structural/functional design and implementation in Qt (excluding PIN-code(dll), styles, sounds, visual clock, and custom sum withdrawal). Necessary functionality to our Qt dll handling http requests and backend/REST API to facilitate account swapping, transaction creation on withdrawal, email sending, and login. Table updates and troubleshooting in MySQL database.
Samuli Pylkkönen - API functions component development on Qt, data formatting