This is a DDOS tool {denial-of-service} with 7 different methods
$ apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
$ pkg install git
$ pkg install python
$ pkg install python2
$ git clone
$ cd Ddos-layer7
$ python2
- HTTP: method by attacking a vulnerable site with an http address/ip address
- UDP: UDP flooding works primarily by exploiting the steps a server takes when responding to a UDP packet sent to one of its ports
- TCP: Transmission control protocol (TCP) is an internet standard that ensures the successful exchange of data packets between devices over a network
- RUDY: (Distributed DDoS) used to execute denial of service (DoS) attacks at a slow rate that gradually overloads the web server
- SYN: The large number of SYN connections to the web server will cause the web server to be difficult to access. This attack is one of the attacks aimed at DOS
- NUKE: A Nuke is a type of antiquated denial-of-service (DoS) attack carried out by sending fragmented or corrupted (usually ICMP) packets to a target machine
- HTTPS: DDOS attacks that target the secure web by using web addresses
Write using letters accompanied by numbers instead of using numbers, for example HTTP