Welcome to "CluedoGame," a project developed during my second year at ECE. This game is a digital adaptation of the classic board game Cluedo, uniquely themed around the popular Among Us universe. Entirely coded in C++ and utilizing the SFML graphics library, this project blends programming skills with creative design.
- Among Us Theme: A creative fusion between the traditional game of Cluedo and the world of Among Us.
- SFML Graphics: Uses the SFML library to create a visual and interactive user experience.
- Deduction Gameplay: As in classic Cluedo, players solve a mystery by deducing who committed the crime, with what object, and in which room.
- Objective: Determine who among the characters has committed the crime, with what object, and in which room.
- Gameplay Turns: Players move around the board, suggesting combinations of character, weapon, and room to gather clues.
- Final Accusation: Once a player thinks they have solved the mystery, they make an accusation. If correct, they win the game; if incorrect, they are eliminated.
To play CluedoGame:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Whyiest/CluedoGame.git
- Ensure SFML is installed on your system.
- Compile the project using a compatible C++ compiler.
- Run the game and start your investigation!
#PLEASE EDIT CMAKELIST OR DELETE IT BEFORE RUN-IT ! We keep it only to provide a template if you want to use CMAKE.
This project is a fantastic way to revisit the classic Cluedo game with a modern twist. It also serves as a practical example of applying C++ programming skills and game development.
This project is open-source and available under [appropriate license type]. See the LICENSE.md file for details.