Software Enginnering student based in Brasília, Brazil ✨
Father of two loved cats 🐈 🐈
I'm currently working with Flutter and React JS 🧑🏻💻
Interface design lover ❤️
I'm passionate about Front-end and Mobile development 💕
Wictor = {
"name": "Wictor Girardi",
"age": 22,
"pronouns": ["he", "him"],
"personal_info": {
"favorite_color": ["Red", "Black"],
"favorite_game": "GTA V",
"favorite_movies": ["Forrest Gump", "Interestellar"],
"favorite_sounds": ["Arctic Monkeys - Crying Lightning", "Foo Fighters - Everlong",
"Pearl Jam - Black", "Nirvana - Drain You"],
"professional_info": {
"code_languages": [Dart, Javascript, Python, CSS, HTML],
"Design_Plataforms": ["Figma", "Adobe XD"],
"code_tools": [Flutter, ReactJS, React Native, NodeJS, Django],
"interests": ["Mobile development", "UI/UX", "Video Games", "Sports"],