Create a folder called ConnectionLogs inside your /plugins/ folder.
Use the compiled version: Drag the files from \bin\Release\net7.0\publish
inside of the ConnectionLogs folder except from CounterStrikeSharp.API.dll
Compile yourself: Run _compile.bat to compile the plugin, it will be placed in \bin\Release\net7.0\publish
This plugin adds players to a database to track when they join with their ip.
It prints to discord through a webhook when a player join (with their ip) and leaves.
It has a command !connectedplayers that prints the 50 recent players that joined the server (only available if a databse is used)
The config will automaticly be generated on first run and will be placed inside /counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/ConnectionLogs
Colors can be used in every key-value that is a string like so {White} or {Red} (this is case insensitive, thanks to k4ryuu for the idea), every color in the ChatColors class can be used.
"ChatPrefix": "[CPH-{Darkred}GAMING{white}]",
"SendMessageToDiscord": true,
"DiscordWebhook": "",
"StoreInDatabase": true,
"DatabaseHost": "",
"DatabasePort": 3306,
"DatabaseUser": "WidovV",
"DatabasePassword": "MySuperSecretPassword",
"DatabaseName": "test-connectionlogs"