Perfect Android app for people who usually have problems with the choice of what they are going to cook. Everything is simple: you should mark goods you have in your fridge in the list and then decide on appropriate recipe. Special icons make choice easier - it will be clear which dishes are suitable for vegetarians, which are for people keen on spicy ingredients, etc. Also some recipes will be supported with video or photos to simplify process of cooking.
Apps for searching recipes are not optimal in searching recipes since a few recipes are offered, so many ingredients are necessary to buy additionally. Also it is impossible to choose category of dishes - for example, without meat or from certain cuisine.
Must write number of issue (#number) you commit at first place
For example:
"#12 update commit rules"
Use the present simple tense, imperative
For example:
"add", not "added", "adds"
Write first word with a small letter
For example:
"add", not "Add"
Don't add extra punctuation marks in the end of the commit
For example:
"add function", not "add function."
First write what you did, then you did with what; and then the details in details field
Commit contains one completed change
If number of letters is bigger then 50 than you should add empty string after main commit. After empty string it's body and before empty string it's title
The example, how to use commit rules:
"#9 add parsing recipes site recipes_from_site.json Final file save in google disk. This site is parsed the whole. You need to remember to attach a link to the source"