The documentation is available at and also on http://localhost:3000/api-docs if you start the server.
You can try this API live at
I designed this API to be as generic as possible and as close as possible to the NodeJs driver.
- Multiple mongodb connection in parallel (the api is multi user)
- Simple generic interface to the Mongodb nodeJs driver
- queries sent as json in requests
If you find a bug do not hesitate to open a new issue on the repo.
Pull-request for new feature or bug correction are welcomed ! Feel free to contribute !
Login to the API (create a server connection on the API server side)
POST http://localhost:3000/api/login Content-Type: application/json { "username": "", "password": "", "hosts": [ { "host": "localhost", "port": 27017 } ] }
{ "success" : true, "token": "AAAA-BBBB" }
Use any of the endpoint to work with your database (i.e. find all elements in the "SUPPORT" collection in the ANFR db)
GET http://localhost:3000/api/database/ANFR/SUPPORT/find?query={} X-TOKEN: AAAA-BBBB
Answer :
{ "success":true, "data": [ {"_id":"5dbb64b717267105a7827e37","SUP_ID":74185} ] }
Logout (to destroy the connexion on the server side) !
POST http://localhost:3000/api/logout X-TOKEN: AAAA-BBBB
{ "success": true }
- NodeJS >= 10.4
- NPM >= 6.10.0
To run the server, run:
npm start