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This layer provides LAT (Linux Assembly Tool).

Use this tool to perform a number of tasks to help manage your images,
such as building and publishing RPM packages, generating images from
package feeds for specific hardware, generating an updated SDK, and
verifying the sanity of the SDK build. In addition, you can add or
remove packages, and specify any pre- and post-build (do_build)
instructions for the build, which lets you customize your image to
meet your needs.

This tool uses *.yaml input files to define many aspects of the build,
packages and package-related configuration for a variety of uses.
It provides validation for the *.yaml input files that define your intended
project output to help identify any incorrect or misspelled options.

With the exampleyamls positional argument, you can generate a list
of different sample *.yaml files, which you can use as a basis for
customizing your builds. These reusable files provide a data reference
for all your image customizations.

LAT is a tool that assembles various types of images using binary package feeds. Currently it supports three types of package feeds.

  • rpm: Yocto RPM feeds
  • deb: Yocto DEB feeds
  • external-debian: Debian package feeds


Clone away

$ mkdir <project>
$ cd <project>
$ git clone
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://
$ git clone git://

Set local.conf

$ . <project>/poky/oe-init-build-env <build>
cat << ENDOF >> conf/local.conf
INIT_MANAGER = "systemd"
require conf/distro/ostree.conf
require conf/distro/lat.conf
MACHINE = "intel-x86-64"
PACKAGE_CLASSES = "package_rpm"
PACKAGE_FEED_URIS = "http://<web-server-url>/lat"

Edit conf/bblayers.conf to include other layers
    <project>/oe-core/meta \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-filesystems \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-python \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-oe \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-xfce \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-gnome \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
    <project>/meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
    <project>/meta-virtualization \
    <project>/meta-lat \


Create yocto rpm repository

$ bitbake world && bitbake package-index

$ ls tmp*/deploy/rpm/*/repodata/repomd.xml -1

Above ls only list required repodata

Create LAT SDK

$ bitbake lat-sdk

Setup rpm repo on http server

Setup a web server (such as httpd, apache2), and create a symlink to deploy dir

$ ln -snf path-to-build/tmp/deploy /var/www/html/lat

Then http:///lat is accessible


wget http://<web-server-url>/lat/sdk/

Linux Assembly Tool appsdk information

Supported host


Installed packages

Check and

Install the SDK to

$ ./ -y -d <dir>

Enable SDK

$ cd <workdir>
$ . <dir>/environment-setup-*-linux

Linux Assembly Tool appsdk usage

$ appsdk -h
usage: appsdk [-h] [-d] [-q] [--log-dir LOGDIR] {gensdk,checksdk,genrpm,publishrpm,genimage,geninitramfs,gencontainer,genyaml,exampleyamls} ...

Wind River Linux Assembly Tool

positional arguments:
                        Subcommands. "appsdk <subcommand> --help" to get more info
    gensdk              Generate a new SDK
    checksdk            Sanity check for SDK
    genrpm              Build RPM package
    publishrpm          Publish RPM package
    genimage            Generate images from package feeds for specified machines
    geninitramfs        Generate Initramfs from package feeds for specified machines
    gencontainer        Generate Container Image from package feeds for specified machines
    genyaml             Generate Yaml file from Input Yamls
    exampleyamls        Deploy Example Yaml files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Enable debug output
  -q, --quiet           Hide all output except error messages
  --log-dir LOGDIR      Specify dir to save debug messages as log.appsdk regardless of the logging level

Use appsdk <subcommand> --help to get help

Generate a new SDK

$ appsdk gensdk -h
usage: appsdk gensdk [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OUTPUT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  An input yaml file specifying image information. Default to image.yaml in current directory
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        The path of the generated SDK. Default to deploy/ in current directory

$ appsdk gensdk -f input.yaml

Sanity check for SDK

$ appsdk checksdk

Build RPM package

appsdk genrpm -h
usage: appsdk genrpm [-h] -f FILE -i INSTALLDIR [-o OUTPUTDIR] [--pkgarch PKGARCH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  A yaml or spec file specifying package information
  -i INSTALLDIR, --installdir INSTALLDIR
                        An installdir serving as input to generate RPM package
  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        Output directory to hold the generated RPM package
  --pkgarch PKGARCH     package arch about the generated RPM package

Publish RPM package

appsdk publishrpm -h
usage: appsdk publishrpm [-h] -r REPO [rpms [rpms ...]]

positional arguments:
  rpms                  RPM package paths

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r REPO, --repo REPO  RPM repo path

Generate example Yamls

$ appsdk exampleyamls -h
usage: appsdk exampleyamls [-h] [-o OUTDIR]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Specify output dir, default is current working directory

$ appsdk exampleyamls
appsdk - INFO: Deploy Directory: path-to-outdir/exampleyamls
|     Yaml Type     |                   Name                   |
| Image             | lat-image-base-intel-x86-64.yaml         |
|                   | core-image-minimal-intel-x86-64.yaml     |
|                   | core-image-sato-intel-x86-64.yaml        |
|                   | initramfs-ostree-image-intel-x86-64.yaml |
|                   |                                          |
| Feature           | feature/debug-tweaks.yaml                |
|                   | feature/package_management.yaml          |
|                   | feature/set_root_password.yaml           |
|                   | feature/startup-container.yaml           |
|                   | feature/vboxguestdrivers.yaml            |
|                   | feature/xfce_desktop.yaml                |
|                   |                                          |
| System Definition | sysdef/add-system-user.yaml              |
|  Yamls            | sysdef/add-user-home.yaml                |
|                   | sysdef/contains-container-base.yaml      |
|                   | sysdef/set-dns.yaml                      |
|                   | sysdef/set-hostname.yaml                 |
|                   | sysdef/set-ntp.yaml                      |
|                   | sysdef/update-containers.yaml            |
|                   |                                          |
appsdk - INFO: Then, run genimage or genyaml with Yaml Files:
appsdk genimage <Image>.yaml <Feature>.yaml
appsdk genyaml <Image>.yaml <Feature>.yaml

Image Yamls:

  • These image Yamls does not list all installed packages, it refers PACKAGE_INSTALL from Yocto (bitbake -e )

  • For core-image-minimal, core-image-sato, lat-image-base, the image type is ostree_repo and ustart, they are used by 'appsdk genimage' only

  • For conainer-base, the image type is container, it is used by 'appsdk gencontainer' only

  • For initramfs-ostree-image, the image type initramfs, it is used by 'appsdk geninitramfs' only

Feature Yamls:

  • Attention: these feature Yamls could not random combination with image Yamls, such as vboxguestdrivers.yaml and xfce_desktop.yaml does not work on initramfs and container image

Generate ostree repo and wic/vmdk/vdi/ustart image from package feed

$ appsdk genimage -h
usage: appsdk genimage [-h] [-t {wic,vmdk,vdi,ostree-repo,ustart,all}] [-o OUTDIR] [-w WORKDIR] [-n NAME] [-u URL] [-p PKG] [--pkg-external PKG_EXTERNAL]
                       [--rootfs-post-script ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT] [--rootfs-pre-script ROOTFS_PRE_SCRIPT] [--env ENV] [--no-clean] [--no-validate] [-g GPGPATH]
                       [input [input ...]]

positional arguments:
  input                 Input yaml files that the tool can be run against a package feed to generate an image

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t {wic,vmdk,vdi,ostree-repo,ustart,all}, --type {wic,vmdk,vdi,ostree-repo,ustart,all}
                        Specify image type, it overrides 'image_type' in Yaml
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        Specify output dir, default is current working directory
  -w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
                        Specify work dir, default is current working directory
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Specify image name, it overrides 'name' in Yaml
  -u URL, --url URL     Specify extra urls of rpm package feeds
  -p PKG, --pkg PKG     Specify extra package to be installed
  --pkg-external PKG_EXTERNAL
                        Specify extra external package to be installed
  --rootfs-post-script ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT
                        Specify extra script to run after do_rootfs
  --rootfs-pre-script ROOTFS_PRE_SCRIPT
                        Specify extra script to run before do_rootfs
  --env ENV             Specify extra environment to export before do_rootfs: --env NAME=VALUE
  --no-clean            Do not cleanup previously generated rootfs in workdir
  --no-validate         Do not validate parameters in Input yaml files
  -g GPGPATH, --gpgpath GPGPATH
                        Specify gpg homedir, it overrides 'gpg_path' in Yaml, default is /tmp/.lat_gnupg
  --ostree-remote-url OSTREE_REMOTE_URL
                        Specify ostree remote url, it overrides 'ostree_remote_url' in Yaml, default is None
$ appsdk genimage input.yaml --type all
appsdk - INFO: Deploy Directory: path-to-outdir/deploy
|       Type       |                           Name                            |
| Image Yaml File  | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.yaml                        |
| Ostree Repo      | ostree_repo                                               |
| WIC Image        | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.wic -> core-image-          |
|                  | small-intel-x86-64-20200908060827.rootfs.wic              |
| WIC Image Doc    |               |
| WIC Image        | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.qemuboot.conf ->            |
| Qemu Conf        | core-image-small-                                         |
|                  | intel-x86-64-20200908060827.qemuboot.conf                 |
| VDI Image        | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.wic.vdi -> core-            |
|                  | image-small-intel-x86-64-20200908060827.rootfs.wic.vdi    |
| VMDK Image       | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.wic.vmdk -> core-           |
|                  | image-small-intel-x86-64-20200908060827.rootfs.wic.vmdk   |
| Ustart Image     | core-image-small-intel-x86-64.ustart.img.gz ->            |
|                  | core-image-small-                                         |
|                  | intel-x86-64-20200908060827.ustart.img.gz                 |
| Ustart Image Doc |     |

If no option --type, it generates ostree repo and ustart image by default

Generate initramfs image from package feed

$ appsdk geninitramfs -h
It is similar with 'appsdk genimage -h', the differ is no -t/--type option
If image name is 'initramfs-ostree-image' (by default), it will replace existed
initrd used by the generation of wic/ustart image (appsdk genimage)

$ appsdk geninitramfs
appsdk - INFO: Deploy Directory: path-to-outdir/deploy
| Image | initramfs-ostree-image-intel-x86-64.cpio.gz -> initramfs-ostree-     |
|       | image-intel-x86-64-20200908062501.rootfs.cpio.gz                     |

Generate container image from package feed

$ appsdk gencontainer -h
It is similar with 'appsdk genimage -h', the differ is no -t/--type and
-g/--gpg-path options

$ appsdk gencontainer
appsdk - INFO: Deploy Directory: path-to-outdir/deploy
| Docker Image           | container-base-intel-x86-64.docker-image.tar.bz2 -> |
|                        | container-base-intel-x86-64-20201012135125.docker-  |
|                        | image.tar.bz2                                       |
| OCI Image Rootfs       | container-base-intel-x86-64.rootfs-oci              |
| Container Image Doc    |     |
| Yaml file for genimage | container-base-intel-x86-64.startup-container.yaml  |
| to load and run        |                                                     |

Generate/Customize Yaml file

$ appsdk genyaml -h

It is similar with 'appsdk genimage -h', the differ is '--type {wic,vmdk,vdi, ostree-repo,container,initramfs,ustart,all}'

$ appsdk genyaml exampleyamls/core-image-small-intel-x86-64.yaml exampleyamls/feature/xfce_desktop.yaml
appsdk - INFO: Input YAML File: exampleyamls/core-image-small-intel-x86-64.yaml
appsdk - INFO: Input YAML File: exampleyamls/feature/xfce_desktop.yaml
appsdk - INFO: Save Yaml FIle to : path-to-outdir/core-image-small-intel-x86-64.yaml

Customize order: Default setting < Section in Yaml < Command option

  • Section in Yaml overrides default setting If the section in Yaml is missing, use default setting to replace

  • Install default packages or not Use include-default-packages section in Yaml, if set 1, install default packages to image; if set 0, the packages section in Yaml overrides default packages. The default include-default-packages is 1.

  • Command option overrides section in Yaml The options --gpgpath, --type, --name, --ostree-remote-url, override the sections in input.yaml

  • Command option append section in Yaml The options --url, --pkg, --pkg-external, --rootfs-post-script, --rootfs-pre-script, --env, append value to the sections in input.yaml. If values are duplicated, only one copy is used.

  • Set environment variable for rootfs generation For option --env and section 'environments', if the same environment variable is set multiple times (such as NAME=VALUE1, NAME=VALUE2), only the last set (NAME=VALUE2) works

  • Customize rootfs by script For option --rootfs-pre-script/--rootfs-post-script and section rootfs-pre-scripts/rootfs-post-scripts which allows you to run a script using the pseudo context to customize rootfs. The 'pre' means run script before rootfs generation, the 'post' means run script after rootfs generation. Define an environment variable IMAGE_ROOTFS for the location of the rootfs install directory

  • Collect the following sections from multiple Yamls, the duplication is allowed:

    • packages
    • external-packages
    • environments
    • rootfs-pre-scripts
    • rootfs-post-scripts

    But duplication is not allowed for other sections such as section name, machine and so on.

Input yaml format:

name: core-image-small
machine: intel-x86-64
- ostree-repo
- ustart
- vdi
- vmdk
- wic
- http://XXXX/repos/rpm/corei7_64
- http://XXXX/repos/rpm/intel_x86_64
- http://XXXX/repos/rpm/noarch
  OSTREE_CONSOLE: console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty1
  OSTREE_GRUB_PW_FILE: $OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT/usr/share/bootfs/boot_keys/ostree_grub_pw
  ostree_osname: latos
  ostree_remote_url: ''
  ostree_skip_boot_diff: '2'
  ostree_use_ab: '0'
  OSTREE_FLUX_PART: fluxdata
remote_pkgdatadir: http://XXXX/repos/rpm
  image_linguas: 'en-us'       # Specifies the list of locales to
                               # install into the image during the
                               # root filesystem construction process.
  pkg_globs: '*-src, *-dev, *-dbg' # Install complementary packages
                                   # based upon the list of currently
                                   # installed packages
                                   # e.g. *-src, *-dev, *-dbg
  gpg_path: /tmp/.lat_gnupg   # Specify gpg homedir, dir length is no
                               # more than 80 chars, make sure the
                               # permission on dir
    BOOT_GPG_NAME: SecureBootCore
    BOOT_KEYS_DIR: $OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT/usr/share/bootfs/boot_keys
    gpg_password: windriver
    gpgid: Wind-River-Linux-Sample
    gpgkey: $OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT/usr/share/genimage/rpm_keys/RPM-GPG-PRIVKEY-Wind-River-Linux-Sample
- ca-certificates
- glib-networking
- grub-efi
- i2c-tools
- intel-microcode
- iucode-tool
- kernel-modules
- lmsensors
- os-release
- ostree
- ostree-upgrade-mgr
- packagegroup-core-base-utils 
- packagegroup-core-boot
- rtl8723bs-bt
- run-postinsts
- systemd
external-packages: []
include-default-packages: '0'
- echo "run script before do_rootfs in $IMAGE_ROOTFS"
- echo "run script after do_rootfs in $IMAGE_ROOTFS"
- KERNEL_PARAMS="key=value"

Use case by simple hello-world example

Here's a simple example of how to use appsdk.

1. Download source and build.

   tar xzvf hello-2.10.tar.gz
   cd hello-2.10
   ./configure $CONFIGURE_FLAGS
   make DESTDIR=/path/to/install-hello install

2. Generate RPM package

   2a) Create yaml file for hello as below.
   name: hello
   version: '2.10'
   release: r0
   summary: Hello World Program From Gnu
   license: GPLv3

   description: |
     A simple hello world program that only does one thing.
     It's from GNU.

   post_install: |
     echo "This is the post install script of hello program"
     echo "It only prints some message."

   Note that user could also specify directories and files like below.
   - /usr (0755, root, root)
   - /usr/local (0755, root, root)
   - /usr/local/bin (0755, root, root)

   - /usr/local/bin/hello (0755, root, root)
   The path is a must, the permission and owner part is optional.
   For example, we could just use '- /usr' instead of the full
   '- /usr (0755, root, root)'.

   By default, genrpm packages all files, but user could use 'dirs' and 'files'
   to select the directories and files they want to package.

   2b) appsdk genrpm -f hello.yaml -i /path/to/install-hello

3. Publish the RPM package

   3a) Publish the RPM to repo
       mkdir -p /path/to/http_service_data/third_party_repo
       appsdk publishrpm -r /path/to/http_service_data/third_party_repo  deploy/rpms/corei7_64/hello-2.10-r0.corei7_64.rpm

   3b) [OPTIONAL] Setup http service

       python3 -m http.server 8888 --directory /path/to/http_service_data

       Use browser to access http://HOST_IP:8888/third_party_repo/

4. Use the RPM package on target

   4a) Setup RPM repo
       cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/test.repo <<EOF
       name=appsdk test repo

   4b) Enter development mode, get a writable filesystem
       ostree admin unlock --hotfix

   4c) Install hello package
       dnf install hello

   4d) Run hello program

       root@intel-x86-64:~# hello
       Hello, world!

5. Use the RPM package as input of 'appsdk genimage' and 'appsdk gensdk`

   5a) Modify yaml file

       Add 'http://HOST_IP:8888/third_party_repo/' to package_feeds section.
       Add 'hello' to external-packages section.

       e.g.1 Manually edit image-with-hello-intel-x86-64.yaml
       name: image-with-hello
       - http://<web-server-url>/repos/rpm/noarch/
       - http://<web-server-url>/repos/rpm/corei7_64/
       - http://<web-server-url>/repos/rpm/intel_x86_64/
       - http://HOST_IP:8888/third_party_repo
       - hello

       e.g.2 Run genyaml to generate image-with-hello-intel-x86-64.yaml
       genyaml --url http://HOST_IP:8888/third_party_repo --pkg-external hello --name image-with-hello

    5b) appsdk genimage --type all image-with-hello-intel-x86-64.yaml
        appsdk gensdk -f image-with-hello-intel-x86-64.yaml

Check environment-setup-*-wrs-linux for the exported variables.

System Definition


The goal of the System Definition is to provide a way to define and implement system configuration changes that goes beyond those configurations shipped in individual software packages. These can include, but are not limited to:

  • System configurations, such as hostname and IP
  • Containers images and configurations
  • User accounts and configurations
  • Vendor data
  • Cloud data


Only apply system definition on ustart/wic/vmdk/vdi image (generated by appsdk genimage), the initramfs image and container image do not support it


YAML Design

  • The current Linux Assembly Tool YAML schema should be enhanced with a 'system' top level list tag. List elements can be 'run_once', 'run_on_upgrade', 'run_always', 'files' and 'contains'.

  • The 'system: files' tag should be a list of 'file' elements.

  • The 'system: files: file' tag should each define a mode, source and destination.

  • The 'system: run_once' tag should be a list of script file sources. Each of these will be copied to a location in /etc where system definition tools will run them once after installation.

  • The 'system: run_on_upgrade' tag should be a list of script file sources. Each of these will be copied to a location in /etc where system definition tools will run them once after installation, and once after each upgrade. In order to track script updates there will be a new directory in /etc for each upgrade containing the copies of the scripts included in that upgrade bundle.

  • The 'system: run_always' tag should be a list of script file sources. Each of these will be copied to a location in /etc where system definition tools will run each script on each reboot.

  • The 'system: contains' tag should be a list of system YAML files and acts as an include for other system specification files. In this way we can define a nesting of systems. For example this would allow us to define a Xen top level system along with the contained VMs. We will only support one level of nesting, so a contained YAML can not definie a 'contains' of its own. The 'contains' tag will only be valid for image types ('ustart', 'wic', 'vmdk' and 'vdi'), for example a 'container' image must not use the 'contains' tag, and should throw an ERROR.

YAML Example

Run 'appsdk exampleyamls' to get a set of pre-canned scripts are made available as part of the Linux Assembly Tool with the ability to add new ones as time and need demands.

$ tree exampleyamls/sysdef/
|-- add-system-user.yaml
|-- add-user-home.yaml
|-- contains-container-base.yaml
|-- files
|   |-- docker_daemon.jason
|   |-- sudoers_sudo
|   `-- dns.conf
|-- run_always.d
|   '--
|-- run_on_upgrade.d
|   |--
|   `-- containers.dat
|-- run_once.d
|   |--
|   |--
|   |--
|   `--
|-- set-dns.yaml
|-- set-hostname.yaml
|-- set-ntp.yaml
`-- update-containers.yaml

The first set of scripts includes:

  • the script that adds a new user to the system See exampleyamls/sysdef/add-system-user.yaml

  • the script that adds a new user and home directory See exampleyamls/sysdef/add-user-home.yaml

  • the script that sets the hostname based on an system attribute such as the MAC address See exampleyamls/sysdef/set-hostname.yaml

  • a set of the scripts that pulls listed containers (from containers.dat) from a public registrey and runs them. This should replace the existing 'include-container-images' functionality. See exampleyamls/sysdef/update-containers.yaml

  • the script that set the DNS resolver to a given IP See exampleyamls/sysdef/set-dns.yaml

  • the script that updates the address of the ntp server See exampleyamls/sysdef/set-ntp.yaml

  • The yaml that generates an image which contains a sub container image, a nest build will be run ahead of the main build See contains-container-base.yaml

The customer should refer these yamls and scripts to manipulate their own, take exampleyamls/sysdef/add-system-user.yaml for example, the yaml inclues a run_once script exampleyamls/sysdef/run_once.d/, in which it calls 'useradd' at target first boot to ceate a system user with username 'system-user' and password '123456'. Customer could create their own user and password base on the example

Runtime Tool:

A new tool '' is written to implement the runtime functionality of the System Definition.

      $ -h
      usage: [-f] [-v] |run-once|run-on-upgrade|run-always [script1] [script2] [...]
  [-f] [-v] run-all
  [-v] list
               -f: ignore stamp, force to run
               -v: verbose
  • In order to run automatically when included in an image, a systemd service 'sysdef.service' ensures the be run at a suitable time during boot. Maximum 3 times rerun if the service failed.
      $ systemctl status sysdef.service
      * sysdef.service - A tool to implement the runtime functionality of the System Definition.
           Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sysdef.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
           Active: active (exited) since Mon 2020-11-23 07:53:30 UTC; 1h 8min ago
          Process: 329 ExecStart=/usr/bin/ run-all (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
         Main PID: 329 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  • Log (/var/log/syslog) is captured for the tool and each of the scripts it runs.
      $ grep sysdef /var/log/syslog
      2020-11-23T07:52:54.216341+00:00 intel-x86-64[329]: Start run-once
      2020-11-23T07:52:54.220970+00:00 intel-x86-64[329]: Run run-once success
      2020-11-23T07:52:54.222146+00:00 intel-x86-64[329]: Start run-once
  • It handles failures gracefully. If a single script fails the remaining scripts should still be run.

  • It makes use of stamp files to prevent run once scripts from being run multiple times. The scripts in each type (run_once/run_always/ run_on_upgrade)) are in alphanumeric order, allowing the user to specify the order in which scripts are run.

  • Support to run manually, it provides options '-f' to ignore the stamp files (not by default though).

    List all scripts in run:

      $ list



Rerun all sysdef scripts manually:

      $ -f run-all
      Start run-once
      useradd: user 'system-user' already exists
      Run run-once failed

Rerun specific sysdef scripts manually:

      $ -f run-on-upgrade
      Start run-on-upgrade(20201123074928)
      Run run-on-upgrade(20201123074928) success

Support Long Lived Containers with docker

Long Live Containers Functions

  • Load docker image by docker load
  • Import filesystem tarball by docker import
  • Pull docker image from registry
  • Run multiple containers from one image
  • Run container with user define docker run option
  • Run container with user define docker command
  • Start container automatically while system boot
  • Stop container gracefully while system shutdown
  • Update containers while system upgrade

Long Live Containers Implement

Provides two scripts and one data file in exampleyamls


Each line in containers.dat records how to load/import/pull and run a container The format of line is:

The '<container-name>' is mandatory, it is the name of container (docker run --name <container-name> XXX);
If 'load=<docker-image-tarball>' is set, use 'docker load' to add image tarball;
If 'import=<fs-tarball>' is set, use 'docker import' to add filesystem tarball;
If no 'load=<docker-image-tarball>' and no 'import=<fs-tarball>', use 'docker pull' to add image;
The 'image=<container-image-name>' is optional, if not set, use '<container-name>' by default;
The 'run-opt=<docker-run-opt>' is optional, if not set, use '-itd' by default (docker run -itd XXX);
The 'run-cmd=<docker-run-cmd>' is optional, if not set, default is empty
    ->        docker pull ubuntu
    ->        docker run --name ubuntu ubuntu
    ->        systemctl start start-container@ubuntu.service

  ubuntu-bash image=ubuntu run-opt="-p 2224:22 -it" run-cmd=/bin/bash
    ->        docker pull ubuntu
    ->        docker run -p 2224:22 -it -d --name ubuntu-bash ubuntu /bin/bash
    ->        systemctl start start-container@ubuntu-bash.service

  core-image-full import=/var/docker-images/core-image-full-intel-x86-64.tar.bz2 run-cmd=/bin/sh
    ->        docker import /var/docker-images/core-image-full-intel-x86-64.tar.bz2 core-image-full
    ->        docker run -itd --name core-image-full core-image-full /bin/sh
    ->        systemctl start start-container@core-image-full.service

  container-base load=/var/docker-images/container-base-intel-x86-64.docker-image.tar.bz2
    ->        docker load -i /var/docker-images/container-base-intel-x86-64.docker-image.tar.bz2
    ->        docker run -itd --name container-base
    ->        systemctl start start-container@container-base.service

Long Live Containers Work Flow

Usually the following Steps are required for customer

  1. Run 'appsdk exampleyamls' to prepare yamls and scripts

  2. If use docker to load image or import filesystem tarball, make these files be available on host or web server. If use docker to pull image, this step is ignored

  3. Manipulate Yaml file:

  • Set image type with "ustart" or "wic" to avoid the yaml was incorrectly parsed by geninitramfs or gencontainer

  • Use "packages" tag to install dependency packages 'startup-container' and 'docker'

  • If use docker to load image or import filesystem tarball, make use of "system:file" tag or "rootfs-post-scripts" tag to copy files to target rootfs. If use docker to pull image, this step is ignored

  • Use "system:run_always" tag and "system:run_on_upgrade" tag to install scripts and from exampleyamls to target rootfs

  • Use "rootfs-post-scripts" tag to add settings as described above to containers.dat, one line for one container

  1. Use 3)'s yaml file as input, run 'appsdk genimage' to generate image

Long Live Containers Examples

An example from exampleyamls/sysdef/update-containers.yaml which pulls ubuntu image from public registry, and run two containers from the ubuntu image, one with default option and command, one with user define option and command.

  # - At a boot after upgrade, pulls listed containers (from containers.dat)
  #   from a public registrey and runs them.
  # - At each boot, start listed containers (from containers.dat)
  # - Two containers in containers.dat: hello-world and ubuntu
  # - Add a docker_daemon.jason to set private insecure registries of Wind River
  - ostree-repo
  - ustart
  - startup-container
  - docker
  - echo "ubuntu" >> $IMAGE_ROOTFS/etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
  - echo "ubuntu-bash image=ubuntu run-opt="-p 2224:22 -it" run-cmd=/bin/bash" >> $IMAGE_ROOTFS/etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
  - run_on_upgrade:
    - exampleyamls/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/
  - run_always:
    - exampleyamls/sysdef/run_always.d/
  - files:
    - file:
        src: exampleyamls/sysdef/files/docker_daemon.jason
        dst: /etc/docker/daemon.json
        mode: 644
    - file:
        src: exampleyamls/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
        dst: /etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/
        mode: 644

An example from exampleyamls/feature/startup-container.yaml, there are three images, one is a docker image which was generated by 'appsdk gencontainer', it will be used by docker load; one is a filesystem tarball which is downloaded from web server, it will be used by docker import; one is a docker image which is downloaded from private regristry by command 'skopeo copy', it will be used by docker load

  - startup-container
  - docker
  - echo "container-base load=/var/docker-images/container-base-intel-x86-64.docker-image.tar.bz2 image=container-base-intel-x86-64"  >> $IMAGE_ROOTFS/etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
  - echo "ubuntu-tar load=/var/docker-images/ubuntu.docker-image.tar.bz2" >> $IMAGE_ROOTFS/etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
  - echo "core-image-full import=/var/docker-images/core-image-full-intel-x86-64.tar.bz2 run-cmd=/bin/sh" >> $IMAGE_ROOTFS/etc/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/containers.dat
  - skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --insecure-policy docker://pek-lpdfs01:5000/ubuntu docker-archive:$IMAGE_ROOTFS/var/docker-images/ubuntu.docker-image.tar.bz2:ubuntu-tar
  - run_on_upgrade:
    - exampleyamls/sysdef/run_on_upgrade.d/
  - run_always:
    - exampleyamls/sysdef/run_always.d/
  - files:
    - file:
        src: deploy/container-base-intel-x86-64.docker-image.tar.bz2
        dst: /var/docker-images/
        mode: 644
    - file:
        src: http://xxx/core-image-full-intel-x86-64.tar.bz2
        dst: /var/docker-images/
        mode: 644

Native Mode

Using the Wind River Linux Assembly Tool - Run appsdk from build dir Compare with appsdk in SDK:

  • The appsdk in the build uses local package feed of the same build.

  • If set PACKAGE_FEED_URIS and PACKAGE_FEED_URIS, the remote package feed will be saved as target yum repo. It will not be used by appsdk to generate image, but be used by dnf at target run time. Please make sure the remote package feed is available on web server

  • The appsdk in the build does not provide subcommand gensdk and checksdk

Supported machine


Source a build

$ . ./oe-init-build-env


Build with minimal rpms

$ bitbake appsdk-native && bitbake package-index build-sysroots

Build with full rpms

$ bitbake world appsdk-native && bitbake package-index build-sysroots

Run appsdk

$ tmp/sysroots/x86_64/usr/bin/appsdk -h

Enable bash completion of appsdk (optional, host bash >= 4.2)

The bash completion of appsdk requires host bash support for complete -D, which was introduced in bash 4.2

$ bash --rcfile tmp/sysroots/x86_64/environment-appsdk-native
$ appsdk <TAB>
-d            exampleyamls  genimage      genrpm        -h            --log-dir     -q
--debug       gencontainer  geninitramfs  genyaml       --help        publishrpm    --quiet

External Debian Support

Using the Wind River Linux Assembly Tool - create OSTree debian-based image

1. Supported machine


2. Create debian-11 (bullseye) based package feed for LAT support

See meta-lat/data/debian/README.txt for details

Then http://<web-server-url>/debian is accessible

3. Build steps

3.1 Setup project

Prepare all the needed layers.

3.2 Source a build

$ . ./oe-init-build-env

3.3 Edit local.conf to enable external-debian

$ echo 'DEBIAN_CUSTOMIZE_FEED_URI = "http://<web-server-url>/debian"' >> conf/local.conf

3.4 Change debian mirror and distro (Optional)

(If not set, default is

$ echo 'DEFAULT_DEBIAN_MIRROR = ""' >>  conf/local.conf

3.5 Build

3.5.1 Build with minimal rpms
$ bitbake appsdk-native && bitbake lat-sdk && bitbake package-index build-sysroots
3.5.2 Build with full rpms
$ bitbake world appsdk-native && bitbake lat-sdk && bitbake package-index build-sysroots

4. Install AppSDK

4.1 Install SDK

$ ./ -y -d stx
$ cd stx

4.2 Root privilege is required

$ sudo su
$ . environment-setup-corei7-64-wrs-linux

5. Generate default debian based image

5.1 Example Yamls

Provides three yaml files, edit yamls file for further customization

$ appsdk exampleyamls --pkg-type external-debian
| Yaml Type |                      Name                       |
| Image     | debian-container-base-intel-x86-64.yaml         |
|           | debian-image-base-intel-x86-64.yaml             |
|           | debian-initramfs-ostree-image-intel-x86-64.yaml |
|           |                                                 |

5.2 Debian based container image

$ appsdk --log-dir log gencontainer exampleyamls/debian-container-base-intel-x86-64.yaml

5.3 Debian based initramfs image with LAT installer

$ appsdk --log-dir log geninitramfs exampleyamls/debian-initramfs-ostree-image-intel-x86-64.yaml

5.4 Debian based image with LAT installer

5.4.1 Create ustart image
$ appsdk --log-dir log genimage exampleyamls/debian-image-base-intel-x86-64.yaml
5.4.2 Create ISO image
$ appsdk --log-dir log genimage exampleyamls/debian-image-base-intel-x86-64.yaml --type iso


This layer depends on the poky, meta-openembedded and meta-virtualization.

This layer depends on:

URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD

URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD
layers: meta-oe

URI: git://
branch: master
revision: HEAD


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