Code run on a GoPiGo 2 (Raspberry PI 3) to run a car trough a website ( with optional controller support ).
Project initially developed for an 24h code challenge hosted by Tobania
- Benno Daenen
- Jonas Windmolders
- Sam De Boeck
- Raspbian ( Or another linux based OS )
- NodeJS (6.x) + NPM
- Git
- WiFi (or a very long ethernet cable ;) ) -> You can use a hotspot instead of normal wifi to control the car.
Clone the project to a folder on your PI
git clone
Install dependencies
cd client & npm install
From the root folder
Run server
node web/server.js
Run pi client (different process)
node client/src/pi.js
##Using the pi
Surf to the website with the IP of the pi with port '8080', eg:
Secondly , fill in the IP of the bot with port 9090 to connect to it. (This is a feature to allow hosting the website on another address than the pi client.)
You can now use the buttons or QZSD (AWSD) or your game controller.
Note: Control panel is build on a mobile first site focus (hold your phone sideways without screen rotation). No fancy graphics because of time challenge.