Graduation Project
This project was a final assignment for four students of the 7th batch (March/April) of Codaisseur's Academy. This first real-life project was to add a bidding feature for the website of The Next Closet.
This Rails application was made in 4,5 days and was set up from scratch (no code base was provided).
The team that worked on this are Dennis van Essen, Ewoud Wiering, Michael Awad and Bas Winkel.
Negotiation screenshots of two customers (one offering / one bidding)
Screen shot of negotiation overviews (both product owner & person bidding)
Basic Requirements:
- Seller can decide per product if offers are accepted for that item.
- Buyer can make only a price offer (so no text, just number).
- Offer cannot be lower than 70% of initial price (to prevent users sending ridiculous low offers).
- Minimum price of item is €20.
- If price offer of buyer is not possible (less than €20 or more than 70%) they see a feedback message.
- Offers are private and personally unique, so only buyer and seller can see it.
- Seller will receive an email notification that an offer has been made.
- Seller (and buyer) can accept, decline or make a counter offer.
- Offer is time bounded.
- Seller needs to responded within 48 hours on an (counter) offer.
- Buyer needs to responded within 48 hours on a counter offer.
- If seller and buyer come to an agreement the buyer has 24 hours to purchase the item for that specific price, else the offer expires.
- Seller and buyer can only make 3 times an offer, then they are blocked for making offers for this item (so they should be realistic in their offers and need to accept at some point).
- If they agreed on price, the price is automatically adjusted for this specific buyer.
- Only this buyer can purchase item for the offer price, other users see the normal price.
- Buyer and seller receive emails on these events (so if an offer is made etc.)
- There is a static page where this negotiation process is explained.
Advanced features:
- Bidding on multiple items of the same seller. So for this dress and that T-shirt together a buyer is willing to pay 200euro.
Make sure you have Ruby and Bundler installed. You should also have a Postgresql database running.
git clone
cd bidding-heroes
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails server
- Go to your localhost on port 3000(default)