WoodyNano is a tool for extracting clean reads (trimmed, oriented, full-length reads) from Nanopore SQK-PCS109 sequencing results.
- Edlib
python extract_full_length.py [input_fastq] [output_fastq]
python extract_full_length.py --fusion_read split_reads.fastq [input_fastq] [output_fastq]
usage: extract_full_length.py [-h] [-l len_cutoff] [-q q_cutoff]
[-e error_rate_cutoff] [-p primer_fasta]
[--ap_length ] [--primer_cnfg] [--min_length]
input_fastq output_fastq
Arguments availible to WoodyNano
positional arguments:
input_fastq Input fastq.
output_fastq Output fastq.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l len_cutoff Reads length cutoff. (Default: max{sum(ap_length), len_cutoff})
-q q_cutoff Reads qscore cutoff. (Default: 7)
-e error_rate_cutoff Primer error rate cutoff. (Default: 0.3)
-p primer_fasta Primer fasta. (Not required)
--ap_length AP length, separated by space (Default: 130 60)
--primer_cnfg Primer configuration. (Not required)
--min_length Minimal output read length. (Default: 1)
--fusion_read Write splitted fusion reads to this file. (Not required)