FYI this script is soon going to be replaced. I am actively working on an all-encompassing utility that does all the steps listed below
After a year of putting it off, I finally got around to building said all-encompassing utility. It can be found here
Hikvision configuration files use two layers of encryption,
It first XOR encrypts the configuration file then it proceed to encrypt it with aes 128-bit ecb encryption(electronic codebook).
I might as well add this for reference far into the future: this was written in java version 8u191 if for whatever reason you are running into problems, use that version instead.
If you are trying to get into a Hikvision camera with an old firmware, use this link to get the camera's configuration file:
Just make sure to substitute camera.ip with the ip address of the camera.
Now that you have the configuration file, if you are on windows download the ubuntu subsystem and install openssl. Once installed, navigate to the location where the config file is and run the following command:
openssl enc -d -in configurationFile -out decryptedoutput -aes-128-ecb -K 279977f62f6cfd2d91cd75b889ce0c9a -nosalt -md md5
You should have a new file called "decryptedoutput". This file has the AES encryption broken but, but still is XOR encoded which is where the script I wrote comes into play.
I'm going to make the assumption that the jdk is installed and the path variable is setup correctly
1.) Clone this repository (or download the zip whatever is easier)
2.) Navigate to in a command prompt and run:
3.) Make a new folder and put the resulting .class file in there as well as the decryptedoutput file
4.) Open command prompt in that folder you just made with the two files inside it and run:
java XORDecode
5.) You now should get a plaintextOutput file. Congratulations!
Supposedly this is a sqlite3 database. Problem is You can't open it in a normal text editor like notepad
If you have a database viewer you are more than welcome to use it. For simplicity's sake, I used a hex editor to view its contents. I personally use Frhed which works fine.