Checks Less CSS files whether they comply with the PAT code convention.
Any Windows installation with Java. It should also work on all major platforms as long as Java is installed, but that isn't tested.
Peruse is still in its early development. It checks some things like nest depth and comment style, but the best has yet to come. You're help is more than welcome!
Peruse is run from command prompt with Ringo. This is how you run Peruse:
Check a single file:
ringo main.js -file=Less/test.less
Check multiple files:
ringo main.js -file=Less/test-bad.less;Less/test-good.less
Automatically fix error: (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
ringo main.js -file=Less/test.less
|-- config RingoJS folder.
|-- less Some Less files to test Peruse.
main.js The runner. RingoJS has to run this file to get Peruse started.
peruse.js The Peruse library.
demo.bat Windows batch file. It does a test on a 'bad' and a 'good' Less file.
test-dev.bat Windows batch file used during development.