##: Install
Install from nuget
Add this package to your main ASP.Net project, and it will add an Info endpoint with five methods, giving you the version of the main assembly in semver format.
Route: /api/info/version
Route: /api/info/productversion
Get version as a shields.io structure
Route: /api/info/shields/version
returns shields io structure for use in a [shields endpoint](https://shields.io/endpoint) call.
You call this using shields like:
And you get a lightgrey shields badge back, with label Version and your version number.
Get ProductVersion as a shields.io structure
Route: /api/info/shields/productversion
returns shields io structure for use in a [shields endpoint](https://shields.io/endpoint) call.
You call this using shields like:
And you get a lightgrey shields badge back, with label Version and your version number.
This is the same as the first method, except that it require authentication, if your API/app is set up for that. The intention is that you can use this to check if the authentication is actually working.
If it is, you will be returned the version string, if not, you will get a 403 response.
Route: /api/info/status