X-CASH Major Update 1.4.0: FlexPrivacy©, bulletproof, Cryptonight V8 (CNv2) and fixed ring size
This release rebases the core code to 13.0.4.
It also changes the proof of work algorithm to Cryptonight V8 (CNv2), enables bulletproofs, enables FlexPrivacy© (read more about this feature at https://medium.com/x-cash/x-cash-major-update-1-4-0-flexprivacy-cnv2-bulletproof-and-fixed-ring-size-106a20ce0b06) and a fixed ringsize of 21.
This is a mandatory update for everyone, whether you use the GUI or CLI, you need to update before block 136000 (November 6, 2018) otherwise you will be on the wrong blockchain.
How to Upgrade / Install If you are using the GUI Wallet or CLI Wallet
For all operating systems - Upgrading
Download the .zip file for your operating system and unzip the folder. Then all the files into your current GUI or CLI Wallet folder and click on "replace all files" when your operating system asks you:
- xcash-blockchain-export
- xcash-blockchain-import
- xcash-blockchain-mark-spent-outputs
- xcash-blockchain-usage
- xcashd
- xcash-gen-trusted-multisig
- xcash-wallet-cli
- xcash-wallet-rpc
- X-CASH_GUI_Wallet.exe
Upgrading for MacOSx
Download the installer (.pkg) file and run it. This will create a new (or update) X-CASH folder in your application folder. Then copy/paste your wallet files (walletname, walletname.txt, walletname.keys) to your newly created folder.
For all operating systems - Installing
Download the zip for your operating system and unzip the folder. Preferably close to the root C:/
If you are on Windows, always run X-CASH_GUI_Wallet.exe as admin (right-click > Run as administrator)
If you are on Macosx or Linux, you may have to run additional commands. Open a terminal in your GUI folder directory and run the script.sh file:
chmod +x script.sh && ./script.sh
File Checksums
Here is the SHA 256 checksum of each file so you can verify the downloaded file:
- X-CASH_GUI_Linux_1.4.0.zip
2fa686208e252131e8075f2b6d006e1182d0ae1761516bd2f8564cc0cf6c3f4a - X-CASH_GUI_Macosx_1.4.0.pkg
ca78234f4522d176d7ec99c4edd4b5b402c82fb0acfbde637d42a0335ca1af10 - X-CASH_GUI_Windows_1.4.0.zip
2fd0aa3776b10ce8d2f3b56e65ad47b029560157c45a59de444307cd7cc50e4e - X-CASH_CLI_Linux_1.4.0.zip
aecf749cc247e0c32aa89ebf2da5628b47af195c9be6d5aaf2ab56c8e8ceb5d4 - X-CASH_CLI_Macosx_1.4.0.zip
b83a20bc6f0111296510137e81a19925a898eb6fd9f1fab20ea1ed2a16643817 - X-CASH_CLI_Windows_1.4.0.zip
5b7ecc193c715f081a9ceb3e9aafa2bb341b236afea91555386a23864dab9326 - X-CASH_Source_Code_1.4.0.zip