Project Name : dgl-site
###Installing Backpack for admin backend
The following commands were run in order
composer require backpack/base
composer require backpack/crud
php artisan backpack:base:install
php artisan backpack:crud:install
In the following file
The upload 'Creating Upload Directory' instruction has to be modified
Remove the -p flag. Windows does not understand this and creates a directory with the name.
Change 'public/uploads' to __'public\uploads'. Windows uses the other slash for paths.
'Adding sidebar menu item for File Manager' - the syntax is incorrect. Single and double quotes get mistaken.
Uncomment the actual action
After running the above four composer/artisan commands run the following (corrected) command
php artisan backpack:base:add-sidebar-content "<li><a href='{{ backpack_url(\"elfinder\")}}'><i class='fa fa-files-o'></i> <span>File manager</span></a></li>"
Match CRUD controller contestants select2 multiple pulls all contestants of all matches. FIX THIS.
Did not create a Eloquent model for Checkin. Change this in the future if required.
Added ability to select match winner from Match Contestants/Scores CRUD - This is currently the sole reason why 'id' field is added as primary key in the 'match_contestants' table.
Changed from jquery slim to regular jquery CDN.
Refactor the raw players SQLQuery - SQL injection vulnerability
Currently multiple checkins by the same gamer for the same match is only prevented by the DB constraint
Fix query for contending teams for each tournament
Second chance email verification (in settings page) depends on always having a 'email_verification_code' meta for each gamer.
MUST DO: Check for existing checkin before adding a new one
Fix calendar form inputs for tournaments CRUD
Files in '/resources/views/error' probably get overridden by Backpack installation. REMEMBER.