This tool is built in order to manage the private range ip addresses in the organization network to avoid future potential routing conflicts.
- An env file should be provided in order the set all the required parameters using '--env-file .env' while running docker Required parameter name and values:
name | description | value |
access_token | your personal token for the repo that will contain the unique list of occupied CIDRs | ghp_3KR4U7bxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
occupied_repo | the name of the owner+repo in | xmcyber/infra |
- The tool will first clone a dedicated repo (your own repo) that will maintain the final and unique list of occupide ip ranges.
- After getting the required major range, it will start choosing first subnet (cidr) in this range, for example
- Than it will read the already occupied ranges from 'occupied-range.json' file (which should be created in your repo, {} content should be enough) and check if that occupied, if its overlaping it will go to next available range.
- After getting the UNIQUE cidr, it will return the the CIDR to web browser.
- Last step, it will append the new CIDR to the occupied-range.json and will push the change to your repo
unique-cidr-manager is very easy to install and deploy in a Docker container.
docker build -t image:tag .
docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --env-file env -name unique-cidr-manager unique-cidr-manager:latest
Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.
Here are some examples for request
Obtain new CIDR:
Show all occupied CIDR list:
Delete CIDR from list:
Free Software, Hell Yeah!