What is AstroSound REDUX?
AstroSound is my dream music player. It's something that I want to be easy to use, stylish and appealing to the eye, and fully functional. AstroSound REDUX is based around Google's Material Design. With the REDUX, I've decided to start from the ground up, and redesign the entire application to make it cleaner, and less bug ridden.
You can download the newest release from the website, or the release tab.
Arch Linux users can download it from the AUR
If you want to build from the source:
- You'll first need to install node.js.
- Clone the repo and open your console in the root folder of the clone, and run
npm install
. - Then in the same console run
npm install electron-packager --save-dev
. - Finally, run
electron-packager <sourcedir> <appname> --platform=<platform> --arch=<arch> [optional flags...]
(Refer to Electron-Packager for help.) - A folder should be generated with your compiled application.