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Richard Lopes edited this page Jul 30, 2015 · 8 revisions


$ npm install webpack -g

The webpack command is now available globally.

Pure CLI

webpack <entry> <output>


Pass a file or a request string. You can pass multiple entries (every entry is loaded on startup).

If you pass a pair in the form <name>=<request> you can create an additional entry point.

It will be mapped to the configuration option entry.


Pass a path to a file.

It will be mapped to the configuration options output.path and output.filename.

Configuration options

Many configuration options are mapped from CLI options. I. e. --debug maps to debug: true, or --output-library-target to output.libraryTarget.

You see a list of all options, if you don't pass any option.


Some plugins are mapped to CLI options. I. e. --define <string>=<string> maps to the DefinePlugin.

You see a list of all options, if you don't pass any option.

Development shortcut -d

Equals to --debug --devtool source-map --output-pathinfo

Production shortcut -p

Equals to --optimize-minimize --optimize-occurence-order

Watch mode --watch

Watches all dependencies and recompile on change.

Configuration file --config example.config.js

Specifies a different configuration file to pick up. Use this if you want to specify something different than webpack.config.js, which is the default

Display options


Display a compilation progress to stderr.


Write JSON to stdout instead of a human readable format.

Hint: Try to put the result into the analyse tool.


Use colors to display the statistics.

--sort-modules-by, --sort-chunks-by, --sort-assets-by

Sort the modules/chunks/assets list by a column.


Display the separation of the modules into chunks.


Show more information about the reasons why a module is included.


Show more information about the errors. I. e. this shows which paths are tried while resolving a module.


Show hidden modules. Modules are hidden from output by default when they live inside directories called ["node_modules", "bower_components", "jam", "components"]

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