Simple Item Crate Controller
This project was created to help the logistical management of small events through their inventory.
It works by printing QR code generated in-app on physical crates. The SICC Enrollment Protocol allows anyone which have a physical access to those crates and owns SICC-App to interact with them and managing it's content
Be sure you have already access to a physical QR code OR you have an backend access token provided by your IT manager AND an internet connection.
To start with, download the latest version of the app here (be sure to get the same as your backend version).
Then, you have two choices:
- Scan a QR Code you have access to (for additional security you'll need a PIN code, please ask your IT manager)
- Get a backend access token directly from your IT manager
And there you go. Once you've configured the app, you should be able to access inventory and modify it, as well as generate your own QR's.
That's all, have fun with it! Don't forget that this software is distributed over Vodkaware Licence, so if you found it useful and we meet one day, feel free to buy me a shot in return!