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Space Invaders Emulator

Implements the hardware on top of my Intel 8080 emulator library.


Key Action
Return (Enter) Insert coin
1 Start the game for 1 player
2 Start the game for 2 players
3 Set ship count to 3 (default)
4 Set ship count to 4
5 Set ship count to 5
6 Set ship count to 6
A 1P Move Left
D 1P Move Right
W 1P Shoot
Left arrow 2P Move Left
Right arrow 2P Move Right
Up arrow 2P Shoot

ROM file

Place the rom file in the same directory as the executable or pass it's path as command line argument.

This repository does not contain the rom file necessary to run this emulator (not sure if including them would be legal). You need to find one yourself.

ROM file format

The rom file will propably be split into 4 files invaders.e, invaders.f, invaders.g, invaders.h. You need to merge them into one to use with this emulator.

Example command:

# Mind the order
cat ./invaders.h >  ./invaders.rom
cat ./invaders.g >> ./invaders.rom
cat ./invaders.f >> ./invaders.rom
cat ./invaders.e >> ./invaders.rom

Build instructions

Build prerequisites

Build prerequisites for linux

  • Conan package manager
  • SDL2
  • CMake
  • c++ compiler
  • ninja or make

Build prerequisites for cross compiling

  • Conan package manager
  • MinGW gcc
  • CMake
  • ninja or make
  • wget
  • zip only when packaging to a zip archive

Compiling for linux

bash ./ linux

Compiling for windows using docker

docker build \
    --target build-cross-linux-mingw64 \
    --tag space_inv-emu:latest .

docker run \
    --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/work \
    space_inv-emu:latest \
    bash -c "cd /work && bash ./ cross-linux-mingw64"

By default the script will pack the exe file with needed dlls to a zip file in build/cross-linux-mingw64-out. This can be disabled by setting the DO_PACKAGE=false environment variable.

If you want the rom file to be included in the zip file use:

docker run \
    --rm \
    -v $(pwd):/work \
    -v <PATH_TO_ROM>:/invaders.rom \
    space_inv-emu:latest \
    bash -c "cd /work && INVADERS_ROM_PATH=/invaders.rom bash ./ cross-linux-mingw64"

Cross-compiling for windows without using docker

If you are using debian 11, which this script was tested on you can propably skip the following preparations

  1. Make sure toolchains/cross-linux-mingw64.cmake sets the right root path and compilers
  2. Make sure conan/profiles/cross-linux-mingw64 has the right toolchain path and compiler version

To build and package into a zip file:

bash ./ cross-linux-mingw64

Optionaly set the INVADERS_ROM_PATH environment variable to include it in the resulting zip file, which will be put in build/cross-linux-mingw64-out.