Click to see our demo video:
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_bringup bringUR10.launch
roslaunch impedance_controller impedance_controller.launch
Now you can only test the joint control:
rosrun knob_controller
Move the arm to a specific joint position:
rosservice call /move_arm_joint "{joint0: 0.0, joint1: -1.0, joint2: -1.0, joint3: -1.0, joint4: 1.0, joint5: 0.0}"
Move the arm to a specific pose [ON PROGRESS]:
rosservice call /move_arm_cartesian "{x: 0.5, y: -0.2, z: 0.7, rx: 0.0, ry: 0.0, rz: 0.0}"
First tun the FT Sensor:
roslaunch tum_ics_schunk_netbox sensor_publisher.launch
Then run the KNOB GUI, You will see some warning, just ignore them. And DON't CLICK "Mode Publish" button until robot arm switch to the joint mode !!!.
roslaunch knob_robot_control knob_interface.launch
Run the real robot
roslaunch tum_ics_ur_robot_manager robot_script_manager_ur10.launch
roslaunch impedance_controller impedance_controller.launch
When robot arm finish the initial process and switch into joint control, then you can choose control mode and publish it in the GUI!
install the pkg:
sudo dpkg -i tum*
sudo dpkg -i lib*
sudo dpkg -i ros*
catkin build
Note: If you face any issues with the build, please first see the Issue #35.
Check the IP addr
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_bringup bringUR10.launch
roslaunch knob_robot_control knob_interface.launch
roslaunch impedance_controller impedance_controller.launch
Please follow the following commands:
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_bringup bringUR10.launch
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_controller_tutorial simple_effort_controller.launch
roslaunch tum_ics_schunk_netbox sensor_publisher.launch
rostopic echo /schunk_netbox/raw
seq: 27494
secs: 1708778150
nsecs: 385334359
frame_id: "ft_sensor_link"
x: -131.479277
y: -76.275814
z: 485.809591
x: -0.78713
y: -6.932118
z: -4.1215
rostopic info /schunk_netbox/raw
Type: geometry_msgs/WrenchStamped
* /schunk_netbox/schunk_netbox (http://redball:36389/)
Subscribers: None
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_bringup bringUR10.launch
roslaunch tum_ics_ur_robot_manager robot_script_manager_ur10.launch
roslaunch impedance_controller impedance_controller.launch
roslaunch tum_ics_schunk_netbox sensor_publisher.launch
rosrun knob_robot_control
catkin build impedance_controller
roslaunch tum_ics_ur10_bringup bringUR10.launch
roslaunch impedance_controller impedance_controller.launch
rosservice call /move_arm_cartesian "{x: 0.47, y: -0.16, z: 0.71, rx: 0.0, ry: 0.0, rz: 0.0}"
rosrun knob_robot_control
rostopic echo /schunk_netbox/raw
z: 0.81~0.51 为了好理解,省去了- 没有force情况 tau(2) < 43/40: 向上移动(35) tau(2) > 43/40: 向下移动(47) => 因此,force情况下,