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T Language, the most stupid programming language in the world


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This is a programming language based on "Monkey" in the book Writing An Interpreter in Go


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Define Normal Variable

  • let a = 1; to define variable a with integer 1
  • let a = 1.0; to define variable a with float 1.0
  • let a = 'c'; to define variable a with character 'c'
  • let a = "abc"; to define variable a with string "abc"
  • let a = "abc"; a[0]; to access character 'a'
  • let a = true; to define variable a with boolean true
  • let a = void; to define variable a with void
  • let a; to define variable a (with void)

Define Container Variable

  • let a = [123, 456]; to define variable a with array [123, 456]
  • let a = [123, 456]; a[0]; to access integer 123
  • let a = [123, 456]; a[0] = 234; to modify a[0] to 234
  • let a = { "hello": "world" }; to define variable a with hash { "hello": "world" }
  • let a = { "hello": "world" }; a["hello"]; to access string "world"
  • let a = { "hello": "world" }; a.hello; to access string "world"
  • let a = { "hello": "world" }; a.hello = "mark"; to modify a.hello to "mark"
  • let a = {}; a.hello = "mark"; to add new key "hello" with value "mark"

Define Reference

  • let a = 1; let &b = a; to define reference &b to a
  • let a = [123, 456]; ref &b = a[0]; to define reference &b to a[0]
  • let a = { "hello": "world" }; ref &b = a.hello; to define reference &b to a.hello
  • lef &b = 1; to define const reference &b to number 1 (this can be used as constant)

Define Function Variable

  • let f = func(a, b) { ret a + b; }; to define variable f with a function
  • let f = func(a, b) { ret a + b; }; f(1, 2); to call func with arguments 1 and 2, get 3
  • let f = func(a, b) { ret a + b; }; f("hello", " world"); to call func with arguments "hello" and " world", get "hello world"
  • let f = func(&a) { &a += 1; }; let x = 1; f(x); x; to pass reference and change the value of it
  • let u = _ { ret args[0] + args[1]; }; to define variable f with an underline function
  • let u = _ { ret args[0] + args[1]; }; u(1, 2); to call underline with arguments 1 and 2, get 3
  • let u = _ { &args[0] += 1; }; let x = 1; u(x); x; to access reference and change the value of it

Delete Variable / Reference

  • let a = 1; del a; to delete varibale a
  • let a = 1; let &b = a; del &b; to delete reference b
  • let a = 1; let &b = a; del echo(&b); to delete b's origin (a)

Conditional Expression(Statement)

  • if (condition) { ... }; to run code conditionally
  • if (condition) { ... } else { ... }; if with else
  • if (condition) { ... } else if (another condition) { ... } else {...}; full form of if
  • let r = if (condition) { ...; value1; } else { ...; value2; }; to use if as expression

Loop Expression(Statement)

  • loop (condition) { ... }; loop until the condition is false
  • loop v in (array) { ... }; loop in array
  • jump; start a new cycle
  • out; exit loop
  • out 1; exit loop with a out value integer 1
  • let r = loop (condition) { ...; out value; ...; } to use loop as expression, get out value

Import / Export

  • let export = ... to export variable

Call Function

There are two ways to call a function

Define a function

let f = func(a) {
    ret a;

Call function via normal way


Call function via simple way

f 1;

Types are allowed in simple way

f 1;
f 1.0;
f "x";
f 'c';
f void;
f true;
f false;
f {
    printLine "Hello World!";

Those types are allowed

Important: When {} is used after a function, it means underline function, instead of hash

let a = { "x": [1, 2, 3] };
f a;

Complex types are allowed only when they are stored at single variable

The limitation of simple way

let a = [1, 2, 3];
f a[0];

This does not work because the program will try to evaluate this: f(a)[0]

Simple way only pass one argument to the function

let a = 1;
let b = 2;
f a, b;

This does not work

Native Functions (Built-in) Part 1


  • printLine "Hello World!"; to print "Hello World!" and switch to the next line
  • print "Hello World!\n"; to print "Hello World!\n" ("\n" is new-line mark)
  • input(); to input a string end by space
  • inputLine(); to read a line

Type Convert

  • type 1; to get the type of number 1 ("Integer")
  • string 12; to convert 12 to string ("12")
  • integer "40"; to convert "50" to integer (40)
  • float 4; to convert 4 to float (4.0)
  • boolean 3; to convert 3 to boolean (true)


append(arr, ele)
let a = []
a = append(a, 1)
a = append(a, 2)
printLine a

This will print "[1, 2]"

array(len, first, nextFunc)

nextFunc is defined as func(index, previousValue) { ret nextValue; }

array call nextFunc at each time to generate the next element, for the first call, previousValue = first

  • array 5; to get [void, void, void, void, void]
  • array(5, 0); to get [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  • array(5, 0, func(i, p) { ret p + i; }); to get [0, 1, 3, 6, 10]
first / last
  • first([1, 2, 3]) to get 1
  • let a = [1, 2, 3]; first a = 4; a; to modify the first element, a will be [4, 2, 3]
  • last([1, 2, 3]) to get 3
  • let a = [1, 2, 3]; last a = 9; a; to modify the first element, a will be [1, 2, 9]
  • let a = 1; value(a); just echo a, and remove reference
  • let a = 1; echo(a); just echo a, and with reference (variable)
Import / Export
  • import "abc.t"; to get export variable from file abc.t

Special Usage of Hash

Hash is a special type with abilities to simulate array or function.

A Hash can also be defined as class, or a class instance.

Use key from another Hash

Define a class
let Mark = {
    "@class": "Mark"
Define an instance
let m = {
    "@template": Mark
Add a key to the class
Mark.greet = func() { printLine "Hello World!"; };
Use the key in the instance

This will print "Hello World!"

Operator () and []

Mark["@()"] = func(args) {
m "Hello World!";

This will print "Hello World!"

Mark["@[]"] = func(args) {
m["Hello World!"];

This will print "Hello World!"

Self parameter

Function with the self parameter will capture its container

let a = {}; = "Mark";
a.fn = func(self) {
    printLine("Hello, " +;

This will print "Hello, Mark"

&Self parameter

Function with &self parameter will capture the reference of its container

let a = {}; = "Mark";
a.fn = func(&self) {
    &self.xx = "Hello, Mark";

This will print "Hello, Mark"

Class Type

A hash with "@class" key is a Proto

let Mark = {"@class": "Mark"}
printLine(classType Mark);

This will print "Proto"

A hash with "@template" key and no "@class" key is an Instance

let mark = {"@template": Mark}
printLine(classType mark);

This will print "Instance"

A hash with both "@template" key and "@class" key is a Proto (Sub-class)

let markChild = {"@template": Mark, "@class": "MarkChild"}
printLine(classType markChild);

This will print "Proto"

Class Initializer

Standard way to define a class with initializer Use @() and classType self == "Proto" to initialize class

let People = {
    "@class": "People",
    "@()": func(args, self) {
        if (classType self == "Proto") {
            ret {
                "@template": self,
                "name": args[0],
                "age": args[1],
    "greet": func(self) {
        if (classType self == "Instance") {
            printLine("Hi, I am " +
            printLine("I am " + string(self.age))
let mark = People("Mark", 17)


Hi, I am Mark
I am 17

Use super(self, name) to access the key on super class

let Student = {
    "@class": "Student",
    "@template": People,
    "@()": func(args, self) {
        if (classType self == "Proto") {
            let s = super(self, "@()")(args)
   = args[2]
            ret s
    "greet": func(self) {
        if (classType self == "Instance") {
            super(self, "greet")()
            printLine("I am from " +
let zia = Student("Zia", 16, "CNUHS")


Hi, I am Zia
I am 16
I am from CNUHS


T Language, the most stupid programming language in the world







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