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Development In Progress 正在开发中

Introduction 介绍

Web Application for AHSAR

AHSAR intends to provide students with a different perspective on quatitatively evaluating their professors. Check the sentiment analysis result (in scale of 1 to 5) of other students' commentary on the professor of your choice by entering the tid(in AHSAR, it is called PID) in a professor URL from website, or the name (preferably full name) of professor.

For example, assume a "randomly-selected" professor URL is (Salute to Professor Adam Meyers from NYU, CS0002 ICP and CS480 NLP):

  • select Search by pid, and enter 2105994.
  • select Search by name, and enter Adam Meyers; then choose the entry of Adam Meyers 2105994 New York University ...

Sentiment Score (continuous) and Sentiment Score (discrete) are usually:

  • close to each other in numbers, but sometimes they differ a lot... be cautious when it happens.
  • can be undeterministic in different queries, because of randomized tie-breaking.

Notice that Sentiment Score (discrete) is computed based on the positive and negative weight of individual comments, while Sentiment Score (continuous) is computed based on the positive and negative weight of all comments. In other words, the higher the discrete score is, the more individual comments are positive. The higher the continuous score is, the larger proportion of all comments are positive.

For example, a professor having Sentiment Score (continuous) of 2.0 and Sentiment Score (discrete) of 4.0 might imply that more individual comments are classified as positive, but maybe the positive comments have really close weight on positivity and negativity, while the negative comments significantly skew to negativity. Why? Check the actual comments to find the reason. Maybe the professor gives easy A, but the course is bad in many ways... or the other way around...



比如,纽约大学计算机系CS0002 ICP和CS480 NLP课程的授课教授Adam Meyers,他在RMP网站上的URL为,那么可以通过以下方式进行查询:

  • 选择Search by pid,然后输入2105994
  • 选择Search by name,然后输入教授全名Adam Meyers,最后选择列表中Adam Meyers 2105994 New York University ...这个选项


  • 这两个分数会比较接近。但是少数情况两个分数会差距较大,这个时候就要多留一个心眼儿了
  • 多次查询的结果可能会有一些不一致,这是因为分析数据的时候,如果出现正、负的概率相同,程序会随机决定该句子的正负性 (randomized tie-breaking)。



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Notice on Server Status 服务器状态

Server might be lagging, on and off, or unstable, because:

  • ...
  • Server is under deployment of new code. This usually takes only a few minutes.
  • Server is temporarily down because of flood requests, concurrency test, etc. Fix time is not guaranteed, but auto-recover is on the development schedule.
  • Server is permanently down because of internal issue on Tencent Cloud side, maybe due to CPU/Memory shortage. Fix time is not guaranteed, but auto-restart is on the development schedule.


  • 正在部署最新版本的代码,这一般只需要几分钟时间。
  • 服务器因为大量的访问或者并发测试而短暂挂起。修复时间不确定,但是自动恢复的功能也在计划中。
  • 服务器因为腾讯云服务方面的问题而宕机,比如内存或者CPU不够用了。修复时间不确定,但是自动重启的功能也在计划中。

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Application Structure 应用架构

  • Frontend

    • Frontend Process (Language: JavaScript, Framework: React.js)
  • Backend

    • HTTP Response Server, or in the project, simply called Backend Server (Language: Go, Framework: Gin)
    • Partial Mirror of RMP Database (MySQL, written in C++)
    • NLP Server: Enhanced Version of AHSAR NLP project (Language: Python, Module: bs4, nltk)
    • Internal Communication between Backend Server and NLP Server: Naive Socket TCP Connection
  • ...

  • 前端

    • 前端进程(JavaScript语言的React.js框架)
  • 后端

    • HTTP响应服务器进程(下称后端服务器,Go语言的Gin框架)
    • RMP网站的部分镜像数据的数据库(用C++编写的MySQL)
    • NLP处理服务器进程(下称NLP服务器,Python语言,bs4nltk模组)
    • 后端服务器和NLP服务器的内部通信方式:简易的Socket TCP连接

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Application Setup (Locally) 本地如何运行

  • Default setting that must comply if not modifying the code:
    • Make Sure These Localhost's Ports Are Free:
      • 3306 (MySQL), 3000 and 5000 (React.js), 8080 (Go-Gin), and 5005 (Internal TCP)
    • MySQL Database Recover:
      • First, in MySQL, create user root with password 123; also create new database ahsar
      • Then, gunzip the SQL dump file in /pysrc directory, and recover the database using mysql -u root -p ahsar < {unzipped_file_name}
      • Or, maybe use /pysrc/ as a reference to construct a new database on your own
    • Language Environment Setup - Go, Python, JavaScript (please choose from the most-recent/latest versions):
      • Check source file in this repository to find the actual Packages/Modules involved, but basically...
      • JavaScript: in /frontend directory, npm install
      • Python: pip install nltk, pip install bs4, and pip install rake-nltk should be enough
      • Go: in /backend directory, go mod download should be enough
  • Procedure to Start the Web App (commands just for reference, usually would work but no guarantee):
    • Start MySQL service MySQL start
    • Start NLP Server (in repository /pysrc directory, python3
    • Start Backend Server (in repository /backend directory, ./app, or, to recompile again, bash run.bash)
    • Start Frontend (in repository /frontend directory, for development mode npm start, or, for production mode first npm run build then follow the instruction on terminal)
  • ...
  • 不改动源码的情况下必需的设定
    • 确保以下本地端口未被占用
      • 3306 (MySQL), 3000 和 5000 (React.js), 8080 (Go-Gin), and 5005 (内部TCP通信)
    • MySQL数据库恢复
      • 首先,在MySQL中创建名为root, 密码为123的用户,并且新建名为ahsar的数据库
      • 然后,用gunzip解压/pysrc目录下的SQL备份文件,执行mysql -u root -p ahsar < {解压后的备份文件名}来恢复数据库
      • 也可以参考/pysrc/SDP_scraper.py来自行从零建立自己的数据库
    • 语言环境 Go, Python, JavaScript (请选用最新的几个版本之一):
      • 可以阅读代码仓库中的源码并且找到真正需要下载的包、模组,不过一般来说...
      • JavaScript: 需要在/frontend目录下执行npm install
      • Python: 需要执行pip install nltk, pip install bs4, 和pip install rake-nltk
      • Go: 需要在/backend目录下执行go mod download自动下载需要的包
  • 启动应用的流程(指令仅供参考):
    • 启动MySQL service MySQL start
    • 启动NLP服务器(在/pysrc目录下执行python3
    • 启动后端服务器(在/backend目录下执行./app,或者如果想重新编译的话,执行bash run.bash
    • 启动前端(在/frontend目录下执行npm start来启动调试模式下的前端进程;如果想以生产模式启动,执行npm run build再根据命令行中新显示的指引进行下一步操作)

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Public API (To be Expanded) 公开调用的API

  • ...

  • GET /get_pid_by_name?input={pid}

  • GET /get_pid_by_name?input={professor_name}

  • GET /get_schools_by_initial?initial={initial_letter}

  • GET /get_departments_by_school?school={school_name}

  • GET /get_prof_by_department?school={school_name}&department={department_name}

  • ...

  • 不翻译了,懂的都懂

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A Bit More About NLP Server 关于NLP服务器

For the full project (including datebase of 80k labeled RMP comments and other imported data, codebase of RMP scraper and N-gram algorithm, and reference list for the imported data) of the NLP Server behind the screen, called AHSAR Ad-Hoc Sentiment Analysis on RateMyProfessors, please check this GitHub Repository. Bear with the badly optimized code ^^.

Notice that Keywords Extraction (experiment feature) is implemented by rake-nltk module written by GitHub user csurfer, which also can be found at this GitHub repository

关于NLP服务器背后的AHSAR项目(包括8万条标记过的RMP评论和其他引用数据的数据库,RMP爬虫和N-gram算法的代码库,以及引用数据的引用参考列表),我们称之为 AHSAR Ad-Hoc Sentiment Analysis on RateMyProfessors,欢迎访问此GitHub代码仓库。代码优化质量较差,敬请谅解。


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License 授权证书

Project under MIT License. Basically, feel free to adopt anything (codebase, database, reference list, paper, etc. ) from here for any usage, with no warranty, promise, or liability from the repository owners and collaborators. A little bit of credit/reference is very appreciated.


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Project History 项目历史

  • ... 只做简单的翻译

  • 2021/09/20:

    • Chinese Government ICP record approved! Security and Validity of AHSAR Web is largely promoted because now illegal activity will result in serious consequences.
    • Frontend:
      • API callings are now HTTPS
      • As per requested, ICP record is now shown at the bottom of home page
    • Backend:
      • HTTPS handler middleware
      • Fix a problem where no newly added professors have been fetched:
        • now, there is a tolerant number of 20 of failed fetching attempts before the periodic update stops
        • when limit is reached, maxPID will be backoffed by 20 for the next periodic update - to be a bit more conservative and try to re-fetch some of the previously-failed PID
    • SSL certificates from TrustAsia TLS RSA CA:
      • named as ahsar.pem and ahsar.key in /backend and /frontend directories... could be put in the root though
      • ignored by .gitignore so will not be tracked by version control or be uploaded into this GitHub repository
    • 中国工信部ICP备案通过 - 粤ICP备2021131165号 - 提升网站安全性和可靠度
    • 前端:
      • API调用升级为HTTPS
      • 应工信部要求,备案号显示在首页最下方
    • 后端:
      • HTTPS处理中间件
      • 修复了一个周期性更新新增教授不再更新的问题:
        • 现在,服务器只会在获取信息失败的PID达到20个的时候停止这次周期性更新
        • 停止之后,出于保守考虑,maxPID会回退20,这样下次周期性更新的时候可以尝试再次获取上次失败的PID的信息
    • SSL证书签发自TrustAsia TLS RSA CA:
      • SSL证书命名为ahsar.pemahsar.key,放在/backend/frontend目录下
      • 已经被.gitignore文件给忽略了,所以不会被上传到GitHub仓库里
  • 2021/09/14:

    • Frontend:
      • Fix on info display - legacy problem from last API rework
    • Backend:
      • Continuous Mirroring of RMP:
        • Periodically fetch data about all newly added professors on RMP and analyzed
        • Update MySQL database with the new data
        • 6 hours per round, for now
        • Using gorountine for concurrency, of course
      • Favicon and Logo:
    • Automation:
      • Bash scripts for automation on shutdown, recompile, and deploy processes.
    • 前端:
      • 修复了因为上次API重做所导致的部分数据的显示问题
    • 后端:
      • 持续镜像备份RMP:
        • 周期性地从RMP网站上读取所有新增加教授的数据,并且进行NLP分析处理
        • 更新MySQL数据库
        • 目前设定为6小时进行一次
        • 使用goroutine并发处理
      • 图标和Logo:
    • 自动化:
      • 增加了关闭、重编译、以及启动进程的Bash脚本
  • 2021/09/09:

    • Frontend:
      • Remove console message from completed components
      • Minor refinement on display and layout
    • Backend:
      • Update time, or the underlying field name in MySQL update_time:
        • is now correctly updated with current_timestamp, regardless of the actual data has been updated or not
        • we want to keep track of the time we fetch and analyze data from RMP website and show it to user so that user can know the info is newly fetched
  • 2021/09/08:

    • Frontend:
      • Minor syntax change due to API tweak that changes the returned values
      • Allow user to fetch latest data from RMP website, provided the last updated time to user
    • Backend:
      • Removal of Redis dependency:
        • MySQL with connection pool is fast enough as for now
        • Redis might come back to handle flood attack or continuous request on not-exists professor
      • API GET /get_prof_by_id, or the underlying function GetProfessorByID now retrieve data from MySQL database:
      • Automatic update MySQL database if new data has been fetched and analyzed from RMP website
    • 前端:
      • 针对后端API返回值的改变进行一些修改
      • 用户可以在看到上次更新的时间之后选择是否获取最新信息
    • 后端:
      • 去除对Redis的依赖:
        • MySQL连接池已经足够快了,目前来看
        • 将来也许会重新使用Redis来处理flood attack或大量无效请求
      • API GET /get_prof_by_id现在从MySQL数据库中获取数据
      • 在从RMP网站获取新数据并且计算分数之后,自动更新MySQL数据库中的数据
  • 2021/09/07:

    • New Doman Name:
      • Human-readable Domain Name:
      • port number will be removed from the accessible url after an official government record has been filed.
      • 新的域名地址:
      • 备案通过后就可以不输入端口号直接访问了
  • 2021/09/06:

    • Backend:
      • Use MySQL for SDP -- decoupling:
        • remove SDP-related code from NLP Server; also larger pool size of 10 since the removal of SDP frees some CPU and RAM resources
        • remove Redis involvement from SDP, since MySQL connection pool and indexed query make the response time (< 5ms) short enough (as for now)
        • add SDP-relatede code in Backend Server
      • Keywords Extraction Feature:
        • using rake-nltk module
        • provides 10 keywords with top 10 "significant value" to the entire list of commentary of a specific professor
      • 使用MySQL提供SDP功能的支持 —— 系统解耦:
        • 从NLP服务器中移除了SDP相关代码,并且由于移除之后空余了更多系统资源,进程池扩大到10
        • 从Redis缓存中移除SDP相关代码,因为MySQL连接池和索引查询已经让响应时间(< 5ms)足够快(目前来看)
        • SDP相关代码已经被移到后端HTTP响应服务器
      • 关键词提取功能:
        • 使用了rake-nltk模组
        • 从某个教授的所有评论中提取出10个最具价值的关键词组
  • 2021/09/05:

    • Deployment has been moved to Tencent Cloud at
    • SDP model updated with difficulty score, quality score, and would take again percentage information
    • Professor list by searching school and department is now returned sorted by quality score then difficulty score
    • 迁移至腾讯云新地址:
    • 全网站重爬,教授列表将以quality和difficulty两个分数进行预排序。
  • 2021/09/04:

    • Backend:
      • Implementation of Searching by School and Department:
        • SDP scraper using process pool nested with thread pool
        • Fully structured School-Department-Professor model obtained brutally from RMP website and dumped into byte file using Python3 pickle
        • Three new APIs: /get_schools_by_initial, /get_prof_by_department, and /get_departments_by_school
        • related updates on involved files
        • fix a bug where the keys in Redis could potentially be the same for differnt types of query
      • 新功能的API:根据校名+系名搜索任职教授列表
        • 进程池嵌套线程池的爬虫,用于获取SDP模型。模型通过Python3 pickle保存为二进制文件
        • 三个新的API,如英文部分所提及
    • Frontend:
      • rework and optimization
      • home page picture
      • in the future, frontend updates will be explained in a more detailed way
  • 2021/08/24:

    • Backend:
      • Redis usage rework:
        • Simulated Mutex when concurrent queries are on the same PID or name
        • Notice that Go-gin Framework automatically create goroutine for each individual incoming query from the frontend (and actually every API calling)
        • Only one goroutine will acquire the mutex, get new data from NLP Server, and update Redis with the data
        • The rest of goroutines will detect that the mutex has been released, and then fetch cached data from Redis
        • Better handling of concurrent queries as the same query will only need one process in NLP Server, and the other processes can work on queries with different PID or name.
      • Change to go-redis/v8
      • Usage of randomized TTL in range of 1 to 6 hours instead of fixed 6 hours, so that it is much less likely to happen when majority of cached data suddenly go expired at the same time and Server gets flooded with queries on those cached data.
      • 简单来说,随机Redis缓存的TTL来减少缓存雪崩的危害,空值储存来减少缓存穿透的危害,互斥锁来解决缓存击穿(并发的、针对同一个数据的请求)的问题
    • Frontend:
      • Options of Search by PID and Search by Name
      • Display adaption for portable devices
  • 2021/08/23:

    • Backend:
      • API rework:
        • Search by PID API /get_prof_by_id:
          • parameters: input should be numeric PID and is mandatory, noCache means "do not use cached result but fetch latest data" and is optional.
          • sample usage: /get_pid_by_name?input=2105994&noCache=true --> returns sentiment analysis result of newly fetched professor data of PID 2105994 on RMP website
        • Search by Name API /get_pid_by_name:
          • parameters: input should be alphabetic professor name and is mandatory, noCache means "do not use cached result but fetch latest data" and is optional.
          • sample usage: /get_pid_by_name?input=adam%20meyers&noCache=true --> returns newly fetched professor entries on RMP website with name like "adam meyers", and user can choose from the entries
          • Frontend part for this API has not done yet
      • Split API handler functions into different files for better modulability.
    • Frontend:
      • Use localStorage to store the latest 10 query history
  • 2021/08/22:

    • Bug fix:
      • professor name and would take again is now fetched from RMP website and displayed on AHSAR Web correctly.
    • Frontend rework:
      • optimization on rendering process
      • modularization - split home page file into smaller components
      • css refinement
  • 2021/08/21:

    • Manual Deployment continued:
      • Elastic IP address: No Longer In-Use
      • Using CORS to connect Backend Server and Frontend
      • Reduced the NLP multiprocessing pool size from 20 to 5 3 in the deployed version to save memory usage on the free AWS EC2 ubuntu server...
      • Notice that in a local environment, the pool size should be significantly larger to maximize the ability of hanlding concurrent requests.
      • 加入了跨域资源共享的中间件,所以在亚马逊云服务器上可以使用生产模式的React前端进程了
  • 2021/08/20:

  • 2021/08/19:

    • Redis cache set with expiration limit.
    • AWS EC2 Ubuntu server setup.
  • 2021/08/18:

    • Backend Server now communications with NLP Server through Naive Socket TCP Connection.
    • New NLP Server with Naive Socket TCP Connection and multi-processing pool.
    • Removal of Kafka dependency.
    • NLP服务器中使用进程池提升并发效率
  • 2021/08/17:

    • First push to GitHub Repository.
    • Simple Redis connection included.
    • Project runnable with basic funcionality.

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TODO 待完成工作计划

Notice that this TODO list is not ordered by any factor (estimated finish time, importance, difficulty, etc.) and is not guaranteed to be implemented either:

  • ...
  • Optimization, Modularization, Robustness...
  • More features, functions, tools...
  • Server auto-recovering from fatal error of NLP or Redis processes.
  • Allow user to submit a paragraph of commentary and obtain sentiment analysis result.
  • Redis comeback to handle flood attack or continuous request on not-exist professor
  • TCP/Redis Connection pool.
  • Usage of Goroutine... Multi-everything!
  • Auto-restart Tencent Cloud Server when server is down because of internal issue: resource shortage, flood attack, etc.


  • 代码优化、模块化、提升健壮性
  • 更多功能
  • 服务器自动恢复,应对TCP或者Redis连接断开的情况
  • 用户可以上传一段评论,服务器处理之后返回该评论的情绪分析结果
  • Redis回归,处理flood attack或大量无效请求
  • TCP/Redis连接使用连接池(现在是用后即弃)
  • 更多Goroutine的应用,并发搞起来
  • 服务器内部错误后的自动重启

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Web Application for AHSAR



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