PyTorch Implementation of Soft Actor-Critic Algorithm
Reference: Soft Actor-Critic Algorithms and Applications (
- fully customizable network structure
- parallel data sampling
- comprehensive logging
- good performance
# clone the repo
git clone
cd Soft-Actor-Critic
# install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# modify hyperparameters before running
# train/test FC controller without state encoder
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
# override arguments in script file
bash scripts/ --env "BipedalWalker-v3" --n-epochs 5000
# train/test FC controller with FC state encoder
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
# train/test FC controller with RNN state encoder
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
# train/test FC controller with CNN state encoder
bash scripts/
bash scripts/
# for device arguments
# train and sample on 'cuda:0'
bash scripts/ --gpu --n-samplers 4
# train on 'cuda:0' and sample on ('cuda:1', 'cuda:2', 'cuda:3', 'cuda:4')
bash scripts/ --gpu 0 1 2 3 4 --n-samplers 4
# train on 'cuda:0' and sample on ('cuda:1', 'cuda:2', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1')
bash scripts/ --gpu 0 1 2 --n-samplers 4
# train on 'cuda:0' and sample on ('cuda:1', 'cuda:2', 'cuda:1', 'cuda:2')
bash scripts/ --gpu 0 1 2 1 2 --n-samplers 4
# train on 'cuda:0' and sample on ('cuda:1', 'cuda:2', 'cpu', 'cpu')
bash scripts/ --gpu 0 1 2 c c --n-samplers 4
You can use python3 --help
for more details:
usage: [-h] [--mode {train,test}]
[--gpu CUDA_DEVICE [CUDA_DEVICE ...]] [--env ENV]
[--n-frames N_FRAMES] [--render] [--vision-observation]
[--image-size SIZE] [--hidden-dims DIM [DIM ...]]
[--activation {ReLU,LeakyReLU}] [--encoder-arch {FC,RNN,CNN}]
[--state-dim DIM] [--encoder-activation ACTIVATION]
[--encoder-hidden-dims DIM [DIM ...]]
[--encoder-hidden-dims-before-rnn DIM [DIM ...]]
[--encoder-hidden-dims-rnn DIM [DIM ...]]
[--encoder-hidden-dims-after-rnn DIM [DIM ...]]
[--skip-connection] [--trainable-hidden]
[--step-size STEP_SIZE]
[--encoder-hidden-channels CHN [CHN ...]]
[--kernel-sizes K [K ...]] [--strides S [S ...]]
[--paddings P [P ...]] [--poolings K [K ...]]
[--batch-normalization] [--max-episode-steps MAX_EPISODE_STEPS]
[--n-epochs N_EPOCHS] [--n-episodes N_EPISODES]
[--n-updates N_UPDATES] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--n-samplers N_SAMPLERS] [--buffer-capacity CAPACITY]
[--update-sample-ratio RATIO] [--gamma GAMMA] [--soft-tau TAU]
[--normalize-rewards] [--reward-scale SCALE] [--deterministic]
[--lr LR] [--critic-lr CRITIC_LR] [--actor-lr ACTOR_LR]
[--alpha-lr ALPHA_LR] [--initial-alpha ALPHA]
[--adaptive-entropy] [--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY]
[--clip-gradient] [--random-seed SEED] [--log-episode-video]
[--log-dir LOG_DIR] [--checkpoint-dir CHECKPOINT_DIR]
Train or test Soft Actor-Critic controller.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--mode {train,test} mode (default: train)
GPU device indexes (int for CUDA device or 'c'/'cpu'
for CPU) (use 'cuda:0' if no following arguments; use
CPU if not present)
--env ENV environment to train on (default: Pendulum-v0)
--n-frames N_FRAMES concatenate original N consecutive observations as a
new observation (default: 1)
--render render the environment
--vision-observation use rendered images as observation
--image-size SIZE image size of vision observation (default: 96)
--hidden-dims DIM [DIM ...]
hidden dimensions of FC controller
--activation {ReLU,LeakyReLU}
activation function in controller networks (default:
--max-episode-steps MAX_EPISODE_STEPS
max steps per episode (default: 10000)
--n-epochs N_EPOCHS number of training epochs (default: 1000)
--n-episodes N_EPISODES
number of test episodes (default: 100)
--n-updates N_UPDATES
number of learning updates per epoch (default: 256)
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
batch size (default: 256)
--n-samplers N_SAMPLERS
number of parallel samplers (default: 4)
--buffer-capacity CAPACITY
capacity of replay buffer (default: 1000000)
--update-sample-ratio RATIO
speed ratio of training and sampling (sample speed <=
training speed / ratio (ratio should be larger than
1.0)) (default: 2.0)
--gamma GAMMA discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)
--soft-tau TAU soft update factor for target networks (default: 0.01)
--normalize-rewards normalize rewards for training
--reward-scale SCALE reward scale factor for normalized rewards (default:
--deterministic deterministic in evaluation
--weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
weight decay (default: 0.0)
--clip-gradient clip gradient on optimizer step
--random-seed SEED random seed (default: 0)
--log-episode-video save rendered episode videos to TensorBoard logs
--log-dir LOG_DIR folder to save TensorBoard logs
--checkpoint-dir CHECKPOINT_DIR
folder to save checkpoint
--load-checkpoint load latest checkpoint in checkpoint dir
state encoder:
--encoder-arch {FC,RNN,CNN}
architecture of state encoder network (default: FC)
--state-dim DIM target state dimension of encoded state (use
env.observation_space.shape if not present)
--encoder-activation ACTIVATION
activation function in state encoder networks (use
activation function in controller if not present)
FC state encoder:
--encoder-hidden-dims DIM [DIM ...]
hidden dimensions of FC state encoder
RNN state encoder:
--encoder-hidden-dims-before-rnn DIM [DIM ...]
hidden FC dimensions before GRU layers in RNN state
--encoder-hidden-dims-rnn DIM [DIM ...]
GRU hidden dimensions of RNN state encoder
--encoder-hidden-dims-after-rnn DIM [DIM ...]
hidden FC dimensions after GRU layers in RNN state
--skip-connection add skip connection beside GRU layers in RNN state
--trainable-hidden set initial hidden of GRU layers trainable (use zeros
as initial hidden if not present)
--step-size STEP_SIZE
number of continuous steps for update (default: 16)
CNN state encoder:
--encoder-hidden-channels CHN [CHN ...]
channels of hidden conv layers in CNN state encoder
--kernel-sizes K [K ...]
kernel sizes of conv layers in CNN state encoder
(defaults: 3)
--strides S [S ...] strides of conv layers in CNN state encoder (defaults:
--paddings P [P ...] paddings of conv layers in CNN state encoder
(defaults: K // 2)
--poolings K [K ...] max pooling kernel size after activation function in
CNN state encoder (defaults: 1)
use batch normalization in CNN state encoder
learning rate:
--lr LR learning rate (can be override by the following
specific learning rate) (default: 0.0001)
--critic-lr CRITIC_LR
learning rate for critic networks (use LR above if not
--actor-lr ACTOR_LR learning rate for actor networks (use LR above if not
temperature parameter:
--alpha-lr ALPHA_LR learning rate for temperature parameter (use ACTOR_LR
above if not present)
--initial-alpha ALPHA
initial value of temperature parameter (default: 1.0)
--adaptive-entropy auto update temperature parameter while training