This repository provides the tool to recover the noise model from dataset, and can also be used to recover the signal from its autocorrelation.
- The original pdf/signal is symmetric with respect to some vertical line.
- The signal is real-valued.
- The signal is strongly correlated for the same pixel between adjacent time points.
- The noise follows the same distribution and temporally independent.
- See the reference.
- Recover the original function from its autocorrelation in
. - Input: autocorrelation of some function.
- Output: recovered function.
- Y = X1-X2, X1 and X2 are i.i.d.
- Recover the distribution of X from the distribution of Y in
. - By autocorrelation, the recovered function may not denote a true pdf, thus need a refine step.
- Input: distribution of Y. (Users can also assign weights for the refine step).
- Output: distribution of X.
- Recover noise model for datasets in
. - Input: data.
- Output: distribution of noise, distribution of noise difference (Y), binSize.
Here are the example results for deautocorrelation. Some common asymmetric distributions are also tested (No sampling error and no signal residue).
Here are simulation results, the noise is generated by MATLAB, with 10^8 samples.
Take Gaussian noise as example to see the influence of signal residue, and omit the influence of sampling error. SNR, signal change rate, and the signal ratio in the whole video will all have impact on the recovered result. Here we show some results for each factor:
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