This is a data engineering project which demonstrates concise and effective data pipeline to load Moscow Exchange stock data to SQL Server database.
Competence showed: Database containerization with Docker, raw data ingestion with REST API (calls were setup using Postman), JSON object to pandas dataframe to data structure casts, inserts and cleansing/deduplciation SQL scripts to ensure data quality, Python function programming.
The following command will install required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Here is an example on real life stock data, demonstrating how easy it is to get the data for any given time period in your database.
First, let's connect to our local database using pyodbc library and get connection and cursor objects. The connection details should be specified in connection.json
>>> conn,cursor = connection()
'Connected succesfully'
To make GET call to MOEX database, specify the required ticker and start date (default parameters are "LKOH" and one week prior to the current date). Function returns Pandas dataframe object to be loaded in the database.
>>> df = api_call('MGNT')
>>> df
0 2021-07-30 MGNT 5337.0
1 2021-08-02 MGNT 5321.0
2 2021-08-03 MGNT 5383.0
3 2021-08-04 MGNT 5415.0
4 2021-08-05 MGNT 5489.5
5 2021-08-06 MGNT 5458.5
Now we can insert results into database table t_stock_history. To deal with deduplication, we create a buffer and update results in the final table if they are already present in the final table. All SQL queries and data manupulation are included in db_insert function.
>>> db_insert(cursor,df) # returns zero if success
Finally, we can close connection to the database to allow changes:
>>> close_connection(conn, cursor)
'Connection was closed successfully'
We can now enjoy quering our data with any database GUI - my tool of choice is Azure Data Studio since there is no SQL Server Management Studio for macOS.
Developing this project on Apple computer implied Docker container usage to host SQL Server.
To get started we will need to download Docker for Mac and follow the installation instructions.
# run following command in Terminal to install the SQL Server and run its image
docker run -d --name sql_server -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=someThingComplicated1234' -p 1433:1433