public class ItIsMyStory {
private final String name = "Nikolay Yakimov";
private int age = 37;
private final String address = "Svishtov 3 str., Sofia, Bulgaria";
private final String hobby = "Enthusiast Developer";
public String education() {
return "Graduate with a master’s degree at University of Forestry";
public String experience() {
return "I have many years of experience in various fields";
public String skills() {
return "Perfectionist, analysing and optimising for the best possible performance and result";
public List interests() {
return List.of("Java", "Spring", "Spring Security", "MySQL", "Thymeleaf" "HTML5", "CSS", "Bootstrap");
public String contactWithMe() {
return "yakimov099@gmail.com";
public String toString() {
return "Thank you!";