Fast and simple version manager for the Go compiler, written in Go, inspired from nvm.
$ scoop install
Theres a brew formula at share/brew
More installation methods TBA
For using the Go compiler installed by gon, you need to add the downloaded path to your PATH
environment variable. This can be manually added to the sys path/user path, or be automated in your shell's init script.
For example, in case of bash, add the following line to your ~/.bashrc
export PATH="$(gon path bin)":$PATH
This works the same for zsh too.
For powershell, the following can be added to profile.ps1
$Dir = gon path bin
$User = [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User
$Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('Path', $User)
if (!(";${Path};".ToLower() -like "*;${Dir};*".ToLower())) {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('Path', "${Path};${InstallDir}", $User)
$Env:Path += ";${Dir}"
For installing a specific version, use the gon install
$ gon install latest # install latest Go version
$ gon install v1.20 # install specific version, the `v` suffix is optional
$ gon install # install the version mentioned in `./go.mod`
For uninstalling, the specific version must be mentioned
$ gon uninstall 1.20
Aliases can be added and removed via the gon alias
and gon unalias
For using an installed version, run
$ gon use v1.20 # use specific version
$ gon use # use version mentioned in `./go.mod`
The name gon comes from the character Gon Freecss from Hunter X Hunter
gon © Yakiyo. Authored and maintained by Yakiyo.
Released under MIT License
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