D.E.L.T is a collection of developer experience Linux tools (D.E.L.T) designed to streamline the daily workflow of Linux developers. The primary goal of this project is to provide Linux developers with a set of powerful and versatile tools to automate their daily tasks and enhance their overall development experience.
The core feature of this project is the setup.sh script, which simplifies the setup process on a remote computer. By running this script in a self-executable extracted folder created using the env function inside the bash_functions file, you can effortlessly configure all the necessary files, scripts, packages, and the development environment required for your Linux development environment.
- The set_up.sh is not ready yet for running
$ git clone https://github.com/YamtalDev/D.E.L.T-BashTools.git
$ cd D.E.L.T-BashTools
$ ./setup.sh
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