DeepRL is a Python repository aiming at implementing deepRL agents using PyTorch. It is compatible with Tensorboard and wandb Implemented agents are: --A2C (TD and MC, n-steps is WIP) including LSTM extension --REINFORCE
You need to have swig installed for it to work.
git clone
cd deeprlyb
poetry install
pip install -i deeprlyb
To run the example
poetry run python src/ -s tests/config.ini
otherwise you can import agents and feed them the config like:
import gym
from deeprlyb.agents import A2C
config_file = "path/to/config.ini"
config = read_config(config_file)
env = gym.make('CartPole-v1')
agent = A2C(env, config)
agent.train_MC(env, nb_timesteps)
agent.test(env, nb_episodes_test, render=True)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Add normalization and standardization of states and rewards
- Add normalization and standardization of target
- Add entropy
- Add schedules for parameters (e.g. learning rate)
- Add LSTM (multi-layers included and batch support included)
- Add rollout buffer and switch to batch learning
- Package the code into a Python lib
- Correct agent testing
- Add N-steps
- Re-add n-step A2C (that works with batch)
- Add testing during training to select agent to save
- Rework action selection logging
- Finish adding tests (cf :
- Add explained variance