use the SPI interface of OrangePi One/Zero to attach a MAX6675 thermcouple.
The MAX6675 connects to OPi One as:
MAX6675 | One GPIO |
VCC | PIN17 |
GND | PIN20 |
SCK | PIN23 |
CS | PIN24 |
SO | PIN21 |
need spidev module
pip3 install spidev
But it is very very noisely, don't use. 测量数据噪音太大了,没有任何实际用处。
use GPS module connected to UART, read GPS time and feed to NTP as a Time base. need a GPIO PIN to receive GPS PPS pulse.
I use gpsd to receive GPS data, so must setup the actual UART port in /etc/default/gpsd. GPSD will send the GPS timestamp to ntpd by SHMEM, so setup the /etc/ntp.conf
maybe need fix the /lib/systemd/system/gpsd.socket to allow network remote access GPS data:
use a DS18B20 connected to 1-Wire i/f, and my remote ds18b20 linked by bluetooth
早期方案,DS18B20连接在一个单片机上,单片机再用蓝牙模块把数据发送到OrangePi One 上,用这里的perl脚本送服务器。 单片机和蓝牙的可靠性太低了,反正家里好几个闲置的OrangePi Zero,就把DS18B20接到Zero的GPIO上,用Python脚本读并送入数据库。 owserver还能把DS18B20远程接入到HomeAssistant 这里几个perl脚本就只有存档价值了。