Integrate react-intl with gettext tools. This package provides a CLI tool to help converting between react-intl JSON files and gettext PO files.
$ npm install react-intl-gettext --save-dev
Of course you can use yarn add
$ yarn add react-intl-gettext --dev
scripts: {
"i18n:extract:json2pot": "rig json2pot ./messages ./translations/my-app.pot",
"i18n:extract:json2po": "rig json2pot -d en './build/messages/json' ./translations/my-app-en.po",
"i18n:import": "rig po2json './translations' ./src/assets/translations.json",
Usage: cli [options] [command]
json2pot [options] <src> <dest> converts react-intl extracted json to po/pot
po2json [options] <src> <dest> converts po files to json
-h, --help output usage information
Usage: json2pot [options] <src> <dest>
converts react-intl extracted json to po/pot
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --pattern [pattern] glob pattern used to find the src files [**/*.json]
-d, --use-default <lang> use defaultMessage as msgstr and use <lang> as value for Language header field
-i, --ignore <patterns> add a pattern or an array of glob patterns to exclude matches
--project-id-version [version] set the value of Project-Id-Version header field [my-app 1.0.0]
--report-msgid-bugs-to [url] set the value of Report-Msgid-Bugs-to header field []
Usage: po2json [options] <src> <dest>
converts po files to json
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --pattern [pattern] glob pattern used to find the src files [**/*.po]
--pretty pretty print json
-i, --ignore <patterns> add a pattern or an array of glob patterns to exclude matches