To monitor and supervise the enviroment condition on the Lake Constance the Fraunhofer Institut ISOB has conducted the project Crowd Sensing Bodensee online. In this project, the approach of crowd sensing will be use to obtain the enviroment parameter on the Lake Constance. This repository contains the code for a sensing node prototyp which is implemented in a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. In the prototyp only a limited kind of parameters will be collected, e.g: surface water temperatur, humunity, rainfall, air pressure, air temperature, wind speed, wind direction. All the sensor data will be packed as a _Observation_defined in the SensorThings API and published to a Mosquitto MQTT Broker in the sensing knoten.
The surface water temperature will be measured via a DS1820 sensor, other parameter will be collected through a wetterstation WS1080. Furthermore to get the location data a GPS modul of NEO 6M from blox will be appened on the RasPi. The DS1820 and Neo 6M will be connected to the Raspi via the GPIO and the WS1080 will be conncted to the node via USB port. The connection is described in the following table:
GPS Connection | DS1820 Connection | ||||||||||||||||||
On this stage, it is assumed that you have raspbian jessie on your raspberry pi 3 model b and you have installed git.
Although the code in this repository is for ds1820, ws1080 and gps, you can run the corresponding python script independently. That means, if you don't have any of the sensor mentioned above, you can still use the python code in this repo to gather sensor data from the one you have. To achive this, first go to home directory.
cd ~
Then clone the repository with git
git clone
Then go to the project repository
cd SourceNode
Now you should have installed the necessary dependencies and python libraries for the scripts. At next step, you should register the raspberry pi by the SensorThingsAPI, The ip address and port number of the SensorThingsAPI should be recorded in the config.ini. If you configured it successfully, run the
Now the corresponding of the sensing node such like thing id, sensor id, datastream ids and so on should be recorded in config.ini. Go to src/ folder and choose the script you want to run to gather sensor data.
cd src
To collect data from DS1820, run
To collect data from WS1080, run
To collect data from gps, run
First compile the c++ programm for the Lora GPS Hat
cd lora_gps_hat/examples/periodc make clean make
Run the python script to listen on the mqtt broker, compress the data and send it via Lora GPS Hat
##TO DO: Add link to sensor things api Thank pywws Write a seperate shell script to add the startup python script Write the other wifi transfer mannual Puffer all the data in sd card and send only few of them periodlly. Period should be set up.